Fade To Black – James Keenan – March 27th
James Keenan
March 27th, 2024
Skinwalker And Blind Frog

Tonight, Wednesday on FADE to BLACK: James Keenan joins us to discuss the mysteries of Utah: Skinwalker and Blind Frog Ranch.
James Keenan is an author and field investigator that focuses on locations of high strangeness. Prior to that, he had a career in law enforcement and private investigations that spanned over twenty years. He has a degree in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University of California, Santa Barbara—his focus having been anthropology and archaeology. James recently was a cast member on the Discovery Channel’s hit show, “The Mystery of Blind Frog Ranch.”
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/JamesKeenangiantsandparanormal
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/James-Keenan/author/B06XNX6BQG?ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true
Fade To Black – Jimmy Church – March 28th
Jimmy Church
March 28th, 2024

Tonight, Thursday on FADE to BLACK: AMA/AJA with Jimmy Church... that's right... Ask Jimmy Anything!
This is our once-a-month AMA with Jimmy and it's your chance to ask the questions that you've always wanted an answer for... it just might not be the correct one.
Post your questions in our live chat, FB, Twitter X... use ALL CAPS!
Tweet #F2B
Website: https://jimmychurchradio.com/
Fade To Black – Jason Quitt – March 22nd
Jason Quitt
March 22nd, 2024
New Book: 'Gates of the Anunnaki'

Tonight, Friday on FADE to BLACK: Jason Quitt joins us to announce the release of his new book: 'Gates of the Anunnaki'!
Jason is a graduate of the Institute of Energy Wellness, and a student of Algonquin Shamanism and has been training and working with many teachers, shamans, and traditional healers from around the world.
Mr. Quitt is also the author of "Astral Genesis", "The Egyptian Postures of Power Ancient Qi Gong System" and "The Yosef Codes – Sacred geometry Mandalas".
Website: https://thecrystalsun.com/
Fade To Black – Nick Pope – March 18th
Nick Pope
March 18th, 2024
2024 AARO Report

Tonight, Monday on FADE to BLACK: Nick Pope joins us to discuss the 2024 AARO UAP Report and much more...
Nick Pope worked for the UK Ministry of Defence for 21 years. One of his postings was to a division where his duties included researching and investigating the UFO phenomenon, to assess the defense, national security, and safety of flight implications.
Nick Pope is a regular guest on various TV news shows and documentaries, and has acted as consultant and spokesperson on several UFO and alien-themed movies and TV shows.
Website: http://nickpope.net/wpte19/