Fade To Black – David Palmer – May 15th
David Palmer
May 15th, 2024
Leo King Evening!

Tonight, Wednesday on FADE to BLACK: David 'The Leo King' Palmer joins us for a full evening of astrology and a deeper look into history and events that are connected to the stars.
The Leo King is a world famous celebrity astrologer, Electronic DJ, Professional IJSBA PWC Racer, and is also known for his speaking events, conferences, tv shows, tours and documentaries. Owner and CEO of “The Disruptive Spiritual Network” High Vibe TV. Throughout David Lawrence Palmer "The Leo King's" 15+ years of stardom in reality tv, being a television star, and famous YouTuber, David is a comet that arrived in the entertainment industry, and is blazing the trail of light and changing the game.
Website: https://www.theleoking.com/
Fade To Black – Glynis McCants – May 16th
Glynis McCants
May 16th, 2024
Power Of Numerology

Tonight, Thursday on FADE to BLACK: Glynis McCants is with us to talk about the Power of Numerology and how it can change your life for the better!
With over 27 years of experience rooted in the ancient Pythagoras Number system, Glynis McCants is a renowned Numerologist. She authored the bestseller "Glynis Has Your Number," available in 15 languages, and "Love by the Numbers," helping countless individuals find healthy relationships. Renowned for her precision, she's sought after by Fortune 500 companies and has appeared on esteemed platforms like 60 Minutes. Glynis also has a Numerology segment on the Number 23 DVD teaching the Life Path Numbers. In 2023, Parade Magazine interviewed her to predict Taylor Swift's year ahead by the Numbers. Glynis forecasted a remarkably successful year for Swift, who shortly thereafter crossed the billion-dollar mark in her personal fortune.
She believes Numerology can positively transform lives beyond individuals, extending to homes, businesses, and cities. Her mission is to demystify Numerology and empower positive change.
Website: https://www.glynishasyournumber.com/
Fade To Black – Ryan Musgrave-Evans – May 6th
Ryan Musgrave-Evans
May 6th, 2024
CTs: Cryptoterrestrials

Tonight, Monday on FADE to BLACK: Ryan Musgrave-Evans will discuss his research into the long-term presence of a race of humanoid beings that have been here co-existing with us for millennia; influencing our spirituality, folklore and religious, philosophical and even political systems.
Ryan resides in Victoria, Australia. He has a Diploma of in Elementary Teaching, Swinburne University, Melbourne, 2015 and a Bachelor of Arts w/ 1st Class Honours, Philosophy, Latrobe University, Bundoora, Melbourne, 2003. Private Language Tutor of Irish and Scots Gaelic, 2001 – 2016. Full-time Nurseryman and Grafter, JFT Wholesale Tree Nurseries, Monbulk, VIC, 2004-2010. Author of Speculative Fiction Novels: Dead Stars and Dark Womb of the Grave. 2010 – 2012, Available on Amazon until 2015. Relief/Substitute Primary/Elementary Teacher, 2015 – 2019. Fluent speaker of Irish and Scottish Gaelic. Insatiable preoccupation with Comparative Linguistics, Philosophy, Folklore, Religious Studies and all research into the Paranormal.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC33M5itKfey9j9MIDcYW9qQ
Fade To Black – Ryan S. Wood – May 7th
Ryan S. Wood
May 7th, 2024
ET Agenda

Tonight, Tuesday on FADE to BLACK: Ryan S. Wood will be Examining the evidence for Crashed UFOs and what leaked government documents tell us about the cover-up of alien technology. Also what can we ufologist learn from artificial intelligence?
Ryan S. Wood hails from southern California, where his fascination with UFOs began through his father's involvement in UFO physics research. Graduating from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo in Mathematics and Computer Science in 1978, he embarked on a diverse career spanning marketing, sales, engineering, and corporate management in industries including semiconductor, aerospace, and medical imaging.
Ryan is renowned for his expertise in the classified Majestic-12 intelligence documents and the 1941 Cape Girardeau UFO Crash. He authored "MAJIC EYES ONLY: Earth’s Encounters with Extraterrestrial Technology," a comprehensive exploration of over 100 UFO crash retrievals and discussions on document authenticity.
A sought-after lecturer on UFOs, Ryan has taught college courses and presented at ufology conferences worldwide. He organized seven international UFO crash retrieval symposia from 2003 to 2009, nurturing the careers of many prominent UFO researchers.
Notably, he delivered a two-hour UFO lecture to military officers at the Naval Postgraduate School, shaping the final exam for a National Security Affairs class. Ryan manages the content of the website majesticdocuments and co-executive produced a documentary, "The Secret," validating the authenticity of Majestic-12 documents, aired on the Sci-Fi channel.