Cody Blue Snider
December 5th, 2023
Changing Our Worldview!

Tonight, Tuesday on FADE to BLACK: Cody Blue Snider is with us to talk about life, his film directing career, what it's like to host a hit podcast... and his journey to change our world.
Cody Blue Snider is the youngest son of Dee Snider, the front-man for Twisted Sister... and an international award-winning director & screenwriter. He was recently nominated for a 2023 iHeart radio podcast award for creating and hosting the hit psychedelic podcast series "Awakened Underground." Men's Health magazine just did a big expose on Cody's healing journey with psychedelic medicines and Deadline recently announced that he has been hired to adapt the hit webtoons comic LOVE ADVICE FROM THE GREAT DUKE OF HELL into a feature film for Ron Howard & Brian Grazer's Imagine Entertainment. Cody Blue currently resides in Los Angeles where he is opening a podcast studio and launching a new weekly podcast that explores the far-out nature of reality called: ACID FOR SQUARES.