Dee Snider
January 10th, 2024

Tonight, Wednesday on FADE to BLACK: Dee Snider, front-man for Twisted Sister, joins us to talk about the media, music... censorship, and of course, the Paranormal and Supernatural!
Dee is perhaps best known as the lead singer and songwriter of Twisted Sister... but he has been a successful radio personality for over 30 years
and his nationally syndicated radio show House Of Hair - now in its 27th year - is currently on well over 200 stations in North America and around the world. His long career as a voice-over artist has resulted in Dee being heard in many radio and TV
commercials, animated shows, documentaries, video games and even a yearlong stint as the voice of MSNBC.
Currently he can be heard narrating the Reelz network’s “Breaking the Band”.
And in 2021, a surprise, star turn on the hit Netflix series “Cobra Kai” put Dee, once again, in the zeitgeist with young fans all over the globe wanting to know more about “Dee Snider, the most badass rocker ever!” (This quote from Cobra Kai star Billy Zabka’s character Johnny Lawrence will be emblazoned on Dee’s tombstone…if he ever dies.)