Janice Oberding
November 7th, 2023
Haunted Nevada

Tonight, Tuesday on FADE to BLACK: Janice Oberding is a writer, historian and paranormal investigator and tonight we will discuss her research with Haunted Nevada!
Writer/historian/paranormal investigator Janice Oberding is the author of over forty non-fiction books on Nevada’s, history, true crime, ghosts and hauntings. Her whodonit books in the Virginia City Mystery series take place in Virginia City circa late 1860s. She lectures in Nevada and throughout the US on Nevada’s history, true crime, hauntings and ghosts. She is the admin of the popular Virginia City, Nevada group on Facebook with over 20,000 members.
Janice has taught non-credit continuing education classes on foreign film, book publishing and internet writing at Truckee Meadows Community College and at the Western Nevada Community college in Carson City. She also taught the first ever online WebCT ghosthunting class at Great Basin College in Elko Nevada in 2001.
She was instrumental in the creation of TMCC’s Paranormal Conference which has evolved into the current Nevada Paranormal Series. In 2009 Truckee Meadows Community College awarded Janice the part time instructor of the year award for her ghost hunting 101 classes.
Janice has appeared on countless TV shows and consulted for others seeking Nevada locations, history and stories. Janice is currently working on her PhD thesis in the metaphysical sciences.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JaniceOberding