Lon Strickler
August 13th, 2024
Mothman And Winged Humanoids

Tonight, Tuesday on FADE to BLACK: Lon Strickler is with us to discuss the Chicago Mothman phenomenon and his 45+ years of paranormal investigations... share insights on Mothman sightings, personal encounters with Bigfoot and winged humanoids, his cryptid investigations, and work with Phantoms & Monsters. Plus, we'll discuss Lon's first paranormal experience, alien abduction, and the research behind his books.
Lon Strickler is a Fortean researcher, author, and publisher of the syndicated 'Phantoms and Monsters' blog.
His research and reports have been featured in hundreds of online media sources. Several of these published reports have been presented on various television segments, including The History Channel's 'Ancient Aliens,' Syfy's 'Paranormal Witness', 'Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files,' Destination America's 'Monsters and Mysteries in America,' and, more recently, 'Unsolved Mysteries' on Netflix.