Paul Smith
August 7th, 2024
Remote Viewing And UFOs

Tonight, Wednesday on FADE to BLACK: Paul Smith will discuss the fascinating links between RV and UFOs, and delve into the philosophical and extraterrestrial aspects of consciousness. Paul also discusses the ancient practice of dowsing and its relevance today, along with ESP and its scientific implications.
Paul H. Smith, Ph.D. (Major, US Army, ret.) became a psychic spy in 1983 when the US Army recruited him for training as a remote viewer in what would become known as the Star Gate Program. A career intelligence officer, Desert Storm veteran, Arabic Linguist, Middle East specialist and military remote viewer, Paul was trained by the legendary Ingo Swann and Dr. Hal Puthoff, the creators of remote viewing. After retiring from the military in 1996, he founded Remote Viewing Instructional Services, Inc.
Having begun teaching Lyn Buchanan, his first remote viewing student in 1984, Paul is the longest actively serving instructor in field. He is also a founding director and president of the non-profit International Remote Viewing Association. Paul has a bachelor degree from BYU and a masters degree from the National Intelligence University (both in Mid-East Studies), as well as a doctorate from the University of Texas at Austin in philosophy of mind, consciousness, and philosophy science.
He is author of Reading the Enemy’s Mind: Inside Star Gate -- America’s Psychic Espionage, and The Essential Guide to Remote Viewing: The Secret Remote Perception Skill Anyone Can Learn as well as the home study courses Remote Perception: Basic Operational Training and Learn Technical Dowsing.