Ruben Uriarte
October 24th, 2023
New UFO Research

Tonight, Tuesday on FADE to BLACK: Ruben Uriarte is with us to discuss his thoughts about the UAP/UFO Congressional hearings in the USA, Mexico and other countries, similar cases where witnesses from each event got lost and sought refuge in a tree for safety and later experienced a Close Encounter of the Third Kind with extraterrestrials... and cases where witnesses have observed ETs organized into scientific teams while studying our ecology, animals and plant species with various instruments.
Ruben Jose Uriarte graduated from Cal State University at Hayward/East Bay with a B.A. degree in Psychology and Latin American Studies. Ruben is a member of MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) as a Field Investigator, State MUFON Director for Northern California and Deputy National MUFON Director for Mexico. He has served as a California State Coordinator for Crop Circle Phenomena Research International, and currently serves as a board member for OPUS (Organization for Paranormal and Support Understanding).
Ruben has been interviewed on a number of local and national radio shows and television documentaries and has authored a number of books, co-written with Texas UFO researcher Noe Torres about major UFO crashes and other historical cases that have occurred along the border of the Southwestern United States and Mexico.