Stephan Schwartz
July 8th, 2024
Remote Viewing the World

Tonight, Monday on FADE to BLACK: Stephan Schwartz, one of the pioneers in modern Remote Viewing research will discuss his groundbreaking work as the principal researcher in projects related to archaeology, consciousness, history, and science.
Stephan A. Schwartz is a Distinguished Consulting Faculty of Saybrook University, and a Research Associate of the Cognitive Sciences Laboratory of the Laboratories for Fundamental Research. He is the columnist for the journal Explore, and editor of the daily web publication in both of which he covers trends that are affecting the future. He also writes regularly for The Huffington Post.
Stephan is part of the small group that founded modern Remote Viewing research, and is the principal researcher studying the use of Remote Viewing in archaeology. He is the author of more than 130 technical reports and papers. In addition to his experimental studies he has written numerous magazine articles for Smithsonian, OMNI, American History, American Heritage, The Washington Post, The New York Times, as well as other magazines and newspapers. He has produced and written a number television documentaries, and has written four books: The Secret Vaults of Time, The Alexandria Project, Mind Rover, Opening to the Infinite, and his latest, The 8 Laws of Change.