Michael Lee Hill On Fade To Black
October 26th 2015
Michael Lee Hill is an award winning musician, filmographer and UFO experiencer. His footage of the Lake Erie UFO’s has created a Billy Meier like buzz and this unassuming rocker seems to have developed an intuitive relationship with these craft. In his home state of Ohio, Michael has been cataloging video after video of UFO’s over Lake Erie. What makes these different than most sightings is that the phenomena consists almost entirely of ‘Pulsating orb’s of light’ characteristics. Unusual lights seen changing colors, converging, and separating over the lake. Stories of the unexplained phenomena date back over 150 years to the indigenous tribes. Michael’s Lake Erie UFO footage has been featured on The Discovery Channel, Fox News, MSNBC, CBS News, Coast to Coast AM, Rense.com, hbccufo.org and in the feature film’s “UFO’s unplugged with Dan Aykroyd”, And David Sereda’s latest film From Here To Andromeda which Michael also co-produced. Michael has most recently been featured on the History Channel’s “UFO’s Hunters” show and filmed a pilot for a Alien/UFO based show for Spike TV in 2012 that was never aired for various reasons. — The Unified Field (CKDU) Radio
Website: http://www.Michaelleehill.net