Fade To Black – Jonny Enoch – October 25th
Jonny Enoch
October 25th, 2023
Egypt And Time

Tonight, Wednesday on FADE to BLACK: Jonny Enoch is back with us after his recent trip to Egypt... and tonight we are going to talk about Egypt and Time... Get Ready!
Jonny Enoch is an author, researcher of prehistoric civilizations and a futurist that explores mysteries around the world. He is the host of popular TV shows like Gaia’s Mystery Teachings, the Odyssey of Enoch and featured on Deep Space, Ancient Civilizations and the Travel Channel’s Alaska Triangle. Jonny frequently takes expeditions to remote parts of the world to track down experts and crawl on his hands and knees under ancient temples searching for clues about our past. He has also used clinical hypnotherapy to work with ET contactees and do past life regressions. What makes his work different is how he connects the dots between the hidden symbolism found in world religions to quantum physics, alchemy and the multiverse.
Fade To Black – Off-Air – October 26th
October 26th, 2023
TV Production

Tonight, Thursday on FADE to BLACK: Off-Air
Fade To Black – Timothy Hogan – October 16th
Timothy Hogan
October 16th, 2023
Alchemy Today

Tonight, Monday on FADE to BLACK: Timothy Hogan joins us to discuss how the same alchemical terms and techniques can be found among ancient cultures all over the ancient world, suggesting that the science was inherited by them or given to them.
Timothy Hogan is an author and international lecturer who specializes in cross cultural symbolism. He is a Past Master within several different spiritual and initiatic traditions, including many bodies in Freemasonry and of Rosicrucian lineages. He is the current Grand Master for the Order of the Temple of Secret Initiates (a Knight Templar lineage), and he runs the Templar Collegia associated with it. Timothy Hogan has lectured all over the world in both public and private venues, including several Universities and U.S. Embassies, and he has appeared on numerous television and podcast programs world wide. He has likewise done Track II diplomacy in many countries. He is author of The Alchemical Keys to Masonic Ritual; The 32 Secret Paths of Solomon; Revelation of the Holy Grail (written under the pen name of Chevalier Emerys); Entering the Chain of Union; Novo Clavis Esoterika; The Way of the Templar; Thoughts from Meditations; and Elements of the Elements, and numerous periodicals.
Fade To Black – Darryl Anka – October 17th
Darryl Anka
October 17th, 2023
Metaphysical World

Tonight, Tuesday on FADE to BLACK: Darryl Anka is back with us to talk about what it is to channel Bashar, our metaphysical world, film making, and his latest passion: escape rooms.
Darryl Anka is a writer-director-producer at Zia Films LLC, a film production company he owns with his producing partner and wife, Erica Jordan. He has an extensive background in miniature effects, storyboards and set design and has worked on some of the biggest sci-fi and action films over the past thirty years, such as "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan," "Iron Man" and "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End." He is also an internationally known public speaker on UFOs and metaphysical topics. Over twenty books of his seminars have been published in the United States and Japan and recordings of his talks have been sold to thousands of people around the globe by his business partner April Rochelle, the CEO of Bashar Communications, Inc. Darryl is always working on new films, scripts and sci-fi novels.