Fade To Black – Jean Broida – May 23rd
Jean Broida
May 23rd, 2023
Taboo Topics

Tonight, Tuesday on FADE to BLACK: Jean Broida is with us for the first time and tonight we are going to talk about everything from the Nazca Lines to the Great Pyramids, and Remote Viewing to Unusual Deaths.
Author and investigative reporter Jean Broida, MSCIS, has written hundreds of published articles on wide-ranging subjects, from politics to health, finance, technology, climate, the paranormal – and more. A professional background and degrees in Education, Psychology, and Information Technology, coupled with a metaphysical mindset, give Jean her unique perspective on the world around us as she connects the dots to expose above-top-secret information, cover-ups, suppressed sources, and arcane, occult knowledge. An award-winning Toastmaster and avant-garde thinker whose motto is, “What shall we learn today?” no topic is too controversial for Jean to illuminate.
Fade To Black – Drew Beeson – May 24th
Drew Beeso
May 24th, 2023
D.B. Cooper And The Zodiac Killer

Tonight, Wednesday on FADE to BLACK: Drew Beeson is with us for the first time and we are going to discuss DB Cooper, the Zodiak Killer, and the Yuba County Five!
Drew Hurst Beeson has been exploring the unknown all his life. Inspired by Coast to Coast AM and Unsolved Mysteries, Drew is on a mission to understand our mysterious world. Drew’s first foray into true crime writing was his book, Sighting In on the Zodiac Killer: Unmasking America’s Most Puzzling Unsolved Murders. His second true crime book is Paratrooper of Fortune: The Story of Ted B. Braden: Vietnam Commando, CIA Operative, Congo Mercenary, and just maybe D.B. Copper. Drew latest book is about the mystery and disappearance of the Yuba County Five. He is the host of a true crime/conspiracy YouTube channel and was recently featured on an episode of the History Channel’s “History’s Greatest Mysteries”.
Website: https://drewbeesonbooks.com/
Fade To Black – Terry Tibando – May 25th
Terry Tibando
May 25th, 2023
UFOs, UAPs, ETI, and Contact

Tonight, Thursday on FADE to BLACK: Terry Tibando is with us to talk about his six-volume book series on UFOs, Contact, and the search for ET.
Terry Tibando majored in Astronomy, Math, Physics, Geography, and the sciences at the University of Victoria in British Columbia.
Terry is a long time UFO and ETI experiencer for the past 70 years with his first UFO and ETI encounter with short “Casper the Ghost” type ETI when he was five years back in mid-November 1953!
He is author of a massive encyclopedic series of textbooks that are very comprehensive, definitive and conclusive, utilizing the best available information on the subject of UFOs and ETI to date.
For the last 30 years he has been the Coordinator of the CSETI Vancouver CE-5 team leading hundreds of people on field expeditions successfully establishing contact and communications with ETI visiting our planet
Terry has appeared in Dr Steven Greers “Sirius” and “Unacknowledged”.
Terry has been interviewed in 1995 on the Discovery Channel for their "Alien Week" series and on BCTV News for his involvement in CSETI Vancouver.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/csetivancouver
Fade To Black – Jimmy Church – May 15th
Jimmy Church
May 15th, 2023
Ask Me Anything

Tonight, Monday on FADE to BLACK: Our guest is Jimmy... Jerome Clark had some serious internet issues come up right before showtime... so... Let's do an AMA!!!