Charles Pellegrino
August 21st, 2024
Minoan Phenomenon

Tonight, Wednesday on FADE to BLACK: Charles Pellegrino will explore the advanced technology of the Minoan civilization, including microscopic lenses and sophisticated plumbing systems... as well as undersea phenomena that may connect to string theory, the potential for life on Saturn’s moon Titan, and the feasibility of interstellar travel.
Charles Pellegrino has been known to work simultaneously in entomology, forensic archaeology, paleogenetics, the preliminary design of advanced rocket systems, astrobiology, and marine archaeology. He is the author of eighteen books including Return to Sodom and Gomorrah, Unearthing Atlantis, Dust, Ghosts of the Titanic, Her Name, Titanic: The Untold Story of the Sinking and Finding of the Unsinkable Ship. He is also the scientist whose dinosaur cloning recipe inspired the Jurassic Park series.
Charles has made dives to the Titanic and to the strange oases of the deep ocean hydrothermal vents aboard the Mir submersibles. Together with Dr. Jesse Stoff, he formulated the theory that environments similar to the deep-ocean volcanic zones might support life in subsurface oceans beneath the ice of certain moons of Jupiter and Saturn, in what is often called "The Europa Theory".