Debbie Kauble
July 14th, 2021
Life Beyond Intruders

Wednesday on FADE to BLACK: Debbie Kauble joins us for the first time and we are going to discuss her life of ET contact.
Debbie was the central figure in Budd Hopkins’s New York Times best-seller, "Intruders, the Incredible Visitations at Copely Woods", as well as the 1992 CBS mini-series, “Intruders”, using the pseudonym "Kathy Davis". In 1992, she revealed her true identity and co-authored, with her sister Kathy Mitchell, “Abducted, The Story of the Intruders Continues". Deb has just finished a revised, expanded edition of ‘Abducted’ titled ‘Extraordinary Contact: Life Beyond Intruders’.
She co-hosted her own podcast, Midwest Paratalk, with Gregg Cable and together with Gregg, co-founded the paranormal research team, The Paranormal Underground. Her special interest in paranormal research is with Electronic Voice Phenomena and she has collected impressive examples over the last several years.