Rey Hernandez
March 27, 2025
Beyond UFOs Study

Tonight, Thursday on FADE to BLACK: Rey Hernandez explores Beyond UFOs research, CCRI’s consciousness-based approach, and its contrast with Materialist Ufology. We discuss Contact Modalities, space-time manipulation, UFO healings, abductions, and paranormal encounters, plus A Greater Reality books and documentary.
Reinerio (Rey) Hernandez is the Director of the Consciousness and Contact Research Institute (CCRI), a team of over 25 Ph.D. academics, medical doctors, and researchers exploring consciousness and paranormal experiences, or “Contact Modalities.” A former National Science Foundation Ph.D. Fellow at UC Berkeley, he has authored and co-edited multiple books, including Beyond UFOs and the six-volume A Greater Reality series, examining the intersection of consciousness, UFOs, NDEs, and other anomalous phenomena. His latest works include The Mind of GOD and A Greater Reality: One Man’s Journey of Discovery, along with a feature documentary.