Terry Tibando
May 25th, 2023
UFOs, UAPs, ETI, and Contact

Tonight, Thursday on FADE to BLACK: Terry Tibando is with us to talk about his six-volume book series on UFOs, Contact, and the search for ET.
Terry Tibando majored in Astronomy, Math, Physics, Geography, and the sciences at the University of Victoria in British Columbia.
Terry is a long time UFO and ETI experiencer for the past 70 years with his first UFO and ETI encounter with short “Casper the Ghost” type ETI when he was five years back in mid-November 1953!
He is author of a massive encyclopedic series of textbooks that are very comprehensive, definitive and conclusive, utilizing the best available information on the subject of UFOs and ETI to date.
For the last 30 years he has been the Coordinator of the CSETI Vancouver CE-5 team leading hundreds of people on field expeditions successfully establishing contact and communications with ETI visiting our planet
Terry has appeared in Dr Steven Greers “Sirius” and “Unacknowledged”.
Terry has been interviewed in 1995 on the Discovery Channel for their "Alien Week" series and on BCTV News for his involvement in CSETI Vancouver.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/csetivancouver