Karen Ann MacDonald On Fade To Black
May 31st 2016
CERN/Mother Earth
Karen Ann MacDonald attended the University of Saskatchewan and Kelsey Institutes of Sciences. In 1987 she went on to persue a fulltime career as a registered nurse in neo-natal ICU at the Royal University Hospital and as the Saskatchewan Union of Nurses (SUN) chair on nursing advisory committee and representative for 15 years.
Karen's passionate and diligent persuit for freedom and peace activism for the protection of children and all living beings lead to numerous eye opening experiences and court appearances and pioneering & exposing the illusion of the female and male illuminati and hidden rulers behind the courts, crown, police, RCMP, goverments and the Vatican to eventual MK Ultra mind controllers and handlers.
Tonight we will discuss her research into mind control, the polluting of our planet, CERN, radiation, the Mandella effect and free energy.
Website: https://www.facebook.com/karen.a.macdonald.1
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjGsFLvtw5Ytvn2rnst4naw