Fade To Black – John Ramirez – April 25th
John Ramirez
April 25th, 2023
Wash DC And ET Disclosure

Tonight, Tuesday on FADE to BLACK: John Ramirez, ex-CIA, joins us for the first time to discuss the current state of Disclosure, ET, and the Beltway.
John Ramirez served from 1984 to 2009 in the CIA Directorate of Science and Technology, the Directorate of Intelligence, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
He served as the Chief of Site and Chief of Operations for overseas technical collection facilities and was the Chief of the Electronic Intelligence Analysis Branch. He was the SIGINT Specialist and the Collection Requirements Strategist for what is now the ODNI National Counterproliferation and Biosecurity Center.
During his 25-year career he specialized in ballistic missile defense systems and the analysis of weapon system radar signatures under the parent offices where the legacy UFO program resided.
John is a member of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers and the CIA Retirees Association.
Fade To Black – Richard Dolan – April 26th
Richard Dolan
April 26th, 2023
The Senate ARRO/UFO Hearing

Tonight, Wednesday on FADE to BLACK: Richard Dolan is back with us to give us his take on the Senate ARRO/UFO hearing... with a little NICAP thrown in.
Richard Dolan is one of the world’s leading researchers and writers on the subject of UFOs, and believes that they constitute the greatest mystery of our time.
Richard completed his graduate work at the University of Rochester, where he studied U.S. Cold War strategy, European history, and international diplomacy. Richard also studied at Alfred University and Oxford University.
He is the author of UFOs and the National Security State, he co-authored with Bryce Zabel, A.D. After Disclosure and his latest book is: UFOs and the 21st Century Mind.
Richard hosts his weekly livestream at Richard Dolan Members, is a frequent guest on Coast-to-Coast AM. He is currently featured on several television series and documentaries, including Ancient Aliens, Hangar One: The UFO Files and Close Encounters.
Website: https://richarddolanmembers.com/
Fade To Black – Steve Bassett – April 27th
Steve Bassett
April 27th, 2023
PRG And Disclosure

Tonight, Thursday on FADE to BLACK: Steve Bassett of PRG joins us to break down what is really going on in Washington DC and the push for Disclosure.
Stephen Bassett is the executive director of Paradigm Research Group (PRG) founded in 1996 to end a government imposed embargo on the truth behind extraterrestrial related phenomena. He has spoken to audiences around the world about the implications of "Disclosure" - the formal confirmation by heads of state of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. He has given over 1200 radio and television interviews and PRG's advocacy work has been extensively covered by national and international media including being featured on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, the Washington Post and the New York Times.
In 2013 PRG organized a "Citizen Hearing on Disclosure" at the National Press Club in Washington. In November of 2014 PRG launched a two year political initiatives out of Washington, DC that injected the ET issue into the 2016 presidential campaign. PRG recently launched a new exopolitical podcast out of Washington, DC - the DisclosureWire - based in the National Press Building two blocks from the White House.
Bassett has appeared in many documentary films and his lectures and interviews are well represented on YouTube.
Website: https://paradigmresearchgroup.org/
Fade To Black – Mick West – April 28th
Mick West
April 28th, 2023

Tonight, Friday on FADE to BLACK: Mick West joins us to talk about the ARRO hearing, who is ARRO, and his own work to figure out what may be in the sky of our planet...
Mick West is an American science writer, skeptical investigator, and retired video game programmer. He is the creator of the websites Contrail Science and Metabunk, and he investigates and debunks pseudoscientific claims and conspiracy theories such as chemtrails and UFOs. His first book is Escaping the Rabbit Hole: How to Debunk Conspiracy Theories Using Facts, Logic, and Respect.
West has appeared in various media including CBS, the BBC, CNN, Radio New Zealand and Scientific American as an expert conspiracy analyst and science communicator. He has twice been a speaker at the conference of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, and in 2020 was elected a fellow of the organization.