Jason Quitt On Fade To Black September 28th

Jason Quitt On Fade To Black September 28th

Jason Quitt On Fade To Black

September 28th, 2020


Quittspiracy 8


Jason Quitt On Fade To Black September 28th

Tonight is part eight of our Quittspiracy Series with Jason Quitt.

We are calling it Quittspiracy 8- we don't know why we picked this number, but they'll be a conspiracy theory started about it very soon.

Tonight we are going to reveal more conspiracy theories and take your phone calls about your conspiracies and rate them for you: One to Four Pipes.

Jason is a graduate of the Institute of Energy Wellness, and a student of Algonquin Shamanism and has been training and working with many teachers, shamans, and traditional healers from around the world.

Mr. Quitt is also the author of “The Egyptian Postures of Power Ancient Qi Gong System” and “The Yosef Codes – Sacred geometry Mandalas”.

Website: https://thecrystalsun.com/


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Jonny Enoch on Sylvia Browne On Fade To Black September 29th

Jonny Enoch on Sylvia Browne On Fade To Black September 29th

Jonny Enoch on Sylvia Brown
On Fade To Black

September 29th, 2020


Silvia Browne's Prophecies


Jonny Enoch on Sylvia Browne On Fade To Black September 29th

Tonight our guest is Jonny Enoch and we are going to talk about Silvia Browne's book: Prophecy: What the Future Holds for You... published over 15 years ago with some very interesting pages that seem to directly talk about 2020, and the crazy year that we are currently going through.

Jonny’s ground-breaking research has been featured in numerous interviews, articles and has been well received at conferences. His goal is to prepare the public for full disclosure and create a peaceful future that includes space exploration and the development of consciousness based sciences.

Currently, he is a featured speaker on the Ancient Mysteries Tour of Egypt and the Serpentine Mysteries Tour of Peru and Bolivia with Brien Foerster at Hidden Inca Tours. He is also writing a book on Advanced Civilizations and Ancient Consciousness Technologies.



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John Greenewald On Fade To Black September 30th

John Greenewald On Fade To Black September 30th

John Greenewald On Fade To Black

September 30th, 2020


The Black Vault


John Greenewald On Fade To Black September 30th
Tonight, John Greenewald will be discussing the latest from The Black Vault and who would make a better Disclosure POTUS???

John began researching the secret inner workings of the U.S. Government in 1996 at the age of fifteen. He targeted such groups as the CIA, FBI, Pentagon, Air Force, Army, Navy, NSA, DIA, and countless others. Greenewald utilized the Freedom of Information Act to gain access to thousands of records. He accumulated an astonishing number of documents on topics related to UFOs, the JFK Assassination, chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons, and top secret aircraft.

Greenewald named his online archive “The Black Vault.” His teenage project turned into the largest private online collection anywhere in the world, with million of pages of material. At the age of twenty-one, Greenewald published his first book, Beyond UFO Secrecy, in 2002. It was later put into a second expanded edition, and was re-published by Galde Press in January, 2008.

Website: http://www.theblackvault.com/


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Ben Moss On Fade To Black September 21st

Ben Moss On Fade To Black September 21st

Ben Moss On Fade To Black

September 21st, 2020


The Socorro UFO Sighting


Ben Moss On Fade To Black September 21st

Ben Moss has been with MUFON since the early 90’s. He is a native of Richmond Virginia where he studied Psychology at the University of Richmond.

As a Mufon investigator, Ben also diligently studies such disciplines as History, Archeology, Physics, Astronomy, Religion and many other
Sciences required to investigate such an elusive subject as ‘UFO’s’.
Since a chance encounter with James Fox at the 2014 Mufon Symposium, began a long and thorough search for what Ben called ‘The Lost Socorro Footage’. After locating and presenting this VHS video, Ben was introduced to the original NICAP investigator, Ray Stanford.

Five years later and after hundreds of hours of research, Ben has just release his new book: Not of this World: The 1964 Socorro UFO with Humanoids: Witness, Policeman Lonnie Zamora.

Website: https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=3064269773702596&id=100003588112913&set=a.511474372315495¬if_t=feedback_reaction_generic¬if_id=1600189288050007&ref=m_notif


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Seth Breedlove On Fade To Black September 22nd

Seth Breedlove On Fade To Black September 22nd

Seth Breedlove On Fade To Black

September 22nd, 2020


The Mothman Legacy


Seth Breedlove On Fade To Black September 22nd
Tonight, Director Seth Breedlove joins us for a very special evening and the announcement for the premiere of his new film: The Mothman Legacy.

The Mothman Legacy is the story of one of the most frightening American urban myths, the legend of The Mothman, a red-eyed creature seen by some as a harbinger of doom in 1960s rural West Virginia, where sightings of the winged demonic beast were first documented near an old munitions dump known by locals as TNT.

Many believe the Mothman to be a 1960’s phenomenon, an omen only appearing before tragedy, and disappearing after a flap of sightings and the subsequent Silver Bridge collapse in 1967. But what if there’s more? What if the origins of this omen trace back much further and go much deeper than anyone realized? And what if…the sightings never ended?

Seth Breedlove is an Ohio filmmaker. He has written, edited, produced and directed shorts and features about a variety of topics but is best known for his production company and the films they've produced under the Small Town Monsters banner. Before film, Breedlove wrote for a number of websites, newspapers and magazines and learned some of the skills he employs as a director while working as a reporter. Breedlove has also appeared on numerous television and radio programs.

Website: https://www.smalltownmonsters.com/


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