Fade To Black – Lesley Mitchell-Clarke – April 17th

Fade To Black – Lesley Mitchell-Clarke – April 17th

Lesley Mitchell-Clarke

April 17th, 2024


ET Hypnotherapy


Fade To Black - Lesley Mitchell-Clarke - April 17th


Tonight, Wednesday on FADE to BLACK: Lesley Mitchell-Clarke will discuss the use of skilled hypo-therapeutic regression in working with individuals who believe that they have had extra/ultra-terrestrial contact or other experiences of high strangeness.

Lesley Mitchell-Clarke is a Toronto based Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist who specializes in in a number of modalities, including working with individuals who feel that they have had experiences with extra-terrestrial beings. Most of this fascinating work, as well as Metaphysical Therapies such as Past Life and Inter life Regression takes place at Lesley’s Toronto hypnosis clinic,Light work Hypnosis.

Prior to her work in hypnotherapy, Lesley has also had a busy career as an actor/dancer/vocalist, and for the past twenty plus years, she has also been atop jazz and arts media consultant, with an array of Grammy and JUNO-winning clients as well as major jazz festivals and record labels. Lesley is currently the Director of LMC Media, with offices both in Toronto and Lesley’s home town of New York City. She is also a busy arts writer, contributing regularly to a variety of publications.

Website: https://lightworkhypnosis.com/

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Kathleen Marden Feb 2nd

Kathleen Marden Feb 2nd

Kathleen Marden is widely known for her work as a scientific ufologist specializing in alien abduction/ET contact and experiencer advocacy. Her interest in UFOs dates back to 1961, when her aunt, Betty Hill, phoned her nearby home to report that she and Barney had encountered a flying saucer in New Hampshire’s White Mountains.


Mike Bara On Fade To Black January 16th

Mike Bara On Fade To Black

January 16th 2017

Space Conspiracy

Mike Bara On Fade To Black January 16th
Mike Bara is a New York Times Bestselling author, lecturer and TV personality. He began his writing career after spending more than 25 years as an engineering consultant for major aerospace companies, where he was a card-carrying member of the Military/Industrial complex. A self-described “Born Again conspiracy theorist,” Mike’s first book Dark Mission-The Secret History of NASA (co-authored with Richard C. Hoagland) was a New York Times bestseller in 2007. His 2nd book, The Choice, was published in 2010.

In 2012, Mike published Ancient Aliens on the Moon from Adventures Unlimited Press. In 2013, Mike returned with Ancient Aliens on Mars, a new book from Adventures Unlimited Press which will look at the hidden history of Mars and the vast, ancient civilization which once flourished there.

His latest book is: Ancient Aliens and Secret Societies

Mike is a regular contributor to the History Channel programs Ancient Aliens and America’s Book of Secrets.

Website: http://mikebara.blogspot.com/

Fade To Black – Kelly Sullivan Walden – July 13th

Fade To Black – Kelly Sullivan Walden – July 13th

Kelly Sullivan Walden

July 13th, 2022


Secrets Of Dream


Fade To Black - Jimmy Church - July 11th

Tonight, Wednesday on FADE to BLACK: Kelly Sullivan Walden returns for a full night of The Secrets of Dreams!

Kelly is an inspirational speaker/workshop facilitator and founder of Dream-Life Coach Training, an online training program that empowers people to develop dream mastery, and the host of Ask Doctor Dream on Unity Online Radio.

As a certified clinical hypnotherapist, whose unique approach to dream therapy led Kelly to become a trusted advisor, coach and consultant to many. A bridge from the physical to the meta-physical for 18+ years, Kelly synthesizes multiple psychological and spiritual systems into my holistic way of coaching that supports people in living their Hero’s Dream Journey on a mind, body, spirit, and soul level.

Website: https://www.kellysullivanwalden.com/


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Paul Davids June 24th

Paul Davids June 24th

Paul Davids is from Bethesda, Maryland, the son of a famous Georgetown University professor of American History, Dr. Jules Davids, who worked extensively with John F. Kennedy on the writing of PROFILES IN COURAGE (for which his father is credited in the Preface) and who was a professor to Jacqueline Kennedy and later to Georgetown undergraduate Bill Clinton. Paul Davids is a graduate of Princeton University, where he majored in psychology and won numerous awards in writing. He then attended the American Film Institute Center for Advanced Film Studies in Beverly Hills. He is married to Hollace Davids, who is Senior Vice-President of Special Projects for Universal Pictures and who has produced several of his films.
After a few years working as a script analyst for Hollywood agent Paul Kohner (where he read all the submissions for Charles Bronson, John Huston and even William Wyler), his career in film and television took off when he got his “first break” as production coordinator (and a writer) of the original “TRANSFORMERS” TV show for Marvel Productions. He co-wrote (with Hollace Davids) THE FIRES OF PELE: MARK TWAIN’S LEGENDARY LOST JOURNAL and the husband and wife team co-wrote six STAR WARS sequel novels for Lucasfilm and Bantam books, including the award-winning MISSION FROM MOUNT YODA plus THE GLOVE OF DARTH VADER, THE LOST CITY OF THE JEDI, ZORBA THE HUTT’S REVENGE, QUEEN OF THE EMPIRE and PROPHETS OF THE DARK SIDE. The books sold millions of copies and were published in many languages.

Paul Davids is a prolific artist whose paintings have been displayed at many galleries ( www.pauldavids-artist.com ) He is a member of the Writers Guild of America and Producers Guild of America. Four of Paul Davids’ films are distributed to TV by NBC Universal’s International TV Division, including “STARRY NIGHT,” “THE SCI-FI BOYS”, “JESUS IN INDIA” (www.jesus-in-india-the-movie.com ) and "BEFORE WE SAY GOODBYE" ( www.beforewesaygoodbye.com ). Information on all his films (including “SHE DANCES ALONE”, “TIMOTHY LEARY’S DEAD” and “THE ARTIST & THE SHAMAN”) and his books and music can be found at www.pauldavids.com and some additional info is available at at www.starrynightmovie.com

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