Fade To Black – Dr. Steven Greer – April 21st

Fade To Black – Dr. Steven Greer – April 21st

Dr. Steven Greer

April 21st, 2021


Disclosure Update


Fade To Black - Dr. Steven Greer - April 21st

Wednesday on FADE to BLACK: Dr. Steven Greer joins us to discuss the recent possible space arms treaty, what may be expected with the new UAPTF report due to the US Senate this June, and his new upcoming film project.

Steven M. Greer, MD is Founder of The Disclosure Project, The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI), The Orion Project and Sirius Technology Advanced Research, LLC.

His National Press Club Disclosure Event in May, 2001 and the webcast had 250,000 people waiting online – the largest webcast in the history of the National Press Club at that time.

He has worked for 20 years to bring together the scientists, inventors and leaders in society to advance new clean technology energy systems.

Greer is the author of four books and multiple DVDs on the UFO/ET subject including the documentary, Sirius and has appeared on CBS, the BBC, The Discovery Channel, the History channel, The Ancient Aliens series, and the movie, Thrive.

His last film, “Unacknowledged: An Expose of the Greatest Secret in Human History” was one of the most watched documentaries of the last three years.

Website: https://ce5film.com/


Premium Episode Download

Fade To Black – Fadernight Open Lines – April 22nd

Fade To Black – Fadernight Open Lines – April 22nd

Fader Night

April 22nd, 2021

Open Lines

It's Fadernight!


YOUR calls, YOUR thoughts, YOUR voice.

Thursday on FADE to BLACK: Yes, it's Thursday... and it's another Fadernight with open-lines all night long. Your calls, your conversation. Un-censored, Un-filtered, and Un-screened.

Fadernight is the greatest night in all of talk radio in all of the world... covering UFOs, Time Travel, Conspiracy, Lost History, the Paranormal and the Supernatural.

The call-in number: 747-228-2051

Fade To Black – Whitley Strieber – April 12th

Fade To Black – Whitley Strieber – April 12th

Whitley Strieber

April 12th, 2021


'Jesus New Vision'


Fade To Black - Whitley Strieber - April 12th

Monday on FADE to BLACK: Whitley Strieber joins us to discuss his new book: 'Jesus New Vision'.

As the author of such books as Warday, Communion and Superstorm, Whitley Strieber is one of the iconic cultural figures of our time.

Jesus: A New Vision, draws together information from scholarship, archaeology and his own researches to recover the Jesus story that has been buried in generations of largely faith-based scholarship. It reveals the dramatic story of a man of great genius who was convinced that he had a special connection to god, and as a result lived a life of extraordinary passion and power that changed the world more profoundly than that of any other human being.

Website: https://www.unknowncountry.com/


Premium Episode Download

Fade To Black – Serena Wright Taylor – April 13th

Fade To Black – Serena Wright Taylor – April 13th

Serena Wright Taylor

April 13th, 2021


Puerto Rico Updates


Fade To Black - Serena Wright Taylor - April 13th

Serena Wright Taylor is an award-winning Conference Producer, Intuitive Vedic Astrologer UFO researcher and Humanitarian. She became interested in UFOs and Extra-Terrestrials from experiences during childhood in England which led her to study philosophies and meditation from a very young age.

As Associate Producer with the Conscious Life Expo for the past 18 years, she runs the UFO Section and Ancient Mysteries sections of the expo. She is the host of the UFO Panel and also produces the Ancient Secrets Panel, bringing in experts in these fields and also sharing her own research into various UFO cases and our hidden ancient history.

She has traveled to Puerto Rico twice to research the major UFO activity there and keeps in touch with expert investigator/journalist Jorge Martin in Puerto Rico to keep up to date with the UFO and Extra Terrestrial situation.

Website: https://vimana.org/


Premium Episode Download

Fade To Black – Tracie Austin – April 14th

Fade To Black – Tracie Austin – April 14th

Tracie Austin

April 14th, 2021


'I Survived Beyond and Back'


Fade To Black - Tracie Austin - April 14th

Wednesday on FADE to BLACK: Tracie Austin is back with us to discuss her new book: 'I Survived Beyond and Back'... True accounts of near-death experiences from those who have glimpsed the afterlife.

Having completed various studies at Cauldon College of Further Ed. in 1984, Tracie re- located to London a year later to study at the Guildhall School of Music & Drama as a concert pianist, and to teach her instrument in a number of schools. Her interest in UFOs first began there, when she witnessed a UFO.

Her second daylight sighting of an unknown flying object occurred in May of 1996 and was featured on the BBC Digital TV documentary “Over the Moon”, Tracie told her story and re-enacted her sighting.

Research into the UFO phenomena has been an on-going process since her first sighting in 1987, and she has investigated some highly strange UFO activity. Personal sightings of UFOs continue to date.

She is author of Welcome to Haunted Las Vegas, Nevada and Alien Encounters in the Western United States.

Tracie’s previous TV show Let’s Talk Paranormal won three Telly Awards for it’s excellence.




Fade To Black – Fadernight Open Lines – April 15th

Fade To Black – Fadernight Open Lines – April 15th

Fader Night

April 8th, 2021

Open Lines

It's Fadernight!


YOUR calls, YOUR thoughts, YOUR voice.

Thursday on FADE to BLACK: Yes, it's Thursday... and it's another Fadernight with open-lines all night long. Your calls, your conversation. Un-censored, Un-filtered, and Un-screened.

Fadernight is the greatest night in all of talk radio in all of the world... covering UFOs, Time Travel, Conspiracy, Lost History, the Paranormal and the Supernatural.

The call-in number: 747-228-2051

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