Fade To Black – Derrel Sims – July 18th

Fade To Black – Derrel Sims – July 18th

Derrel Sims

July 18th, 2024


Alien Hunter


Fade To Black - Derrel Sims - July 18th

Tonight, Thursday on FADE to BLACK: Derrel Sims, the Alien Hunter, has been removing anomalous metal devices from people for almost 4 decades. As such, he has amassed the largest collection of evidence of human/alien contact, as well as some interesting theories as to what exactly is causing this phenomena.

Derrel Sims, known as The Alien Hunter, is a renowned researcher, counselor, international speaker, private investigator, and reality TV star. With presentations in 19 nations, his work has been featured in esteemed museums such as the $52 million UFO Space Museum in Hakui, Japan, the Roswell UFO Museum, and the Museum of Kosice in Slovakia. Sims is widely regarded as the world's leading expert on alien abductions, and his 38+ years of field research have led to groundbreaking discoveries of alien implants and alien fluorescence.

As a former military police officer and CIA operative, Sims brings unique insights into the alien organization, which he believes operates similarly to an intelligence agency. His distinctive background allows him to draw upon specialized skills when encountering UFO phenomena. Beyond his investigative pursuits, Sims is a compassionate and skilled therapist who has helped hundreds of alien experiencers worldwide come to terms with their encounters. He operates the Houston UFO Network and currently works as a licensed private investigator in Houston, Texas.

Website: https://thealienhunter.com/

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AMA/AJA – July 19th

AMA/AJA – July 19th


July 19th, 2024


Ask Jimmy Anything!


AMA/AJA - July 19th

Tonight is a very special Friday Night on F2B!

It's our AMA/AJA... Ask Jimmy Anything! We are doing this in the spirit of always (when we can) of four live shows per week... who needs sleep???

Jimmy Church: The Voice Behind Fade to Black Radio


Jimmy Church is a prominent figure in the world of talk radio, known for his engaging and insightful show, Fade to Black Radio. With a career that spans entertainment, music, and broadcasting, Church has become a key voice in discussions on ufology, the paranormal, and conspiracy theories.

Early Life and Career

Before venturing into talk radio, Jimmy Church had a successful career in the music and entertainment industry. His passion for the unexplained and the mysterious led him to explore these topics further, eventually transitioning into the world of talk radio. This background in entertainment has contributed to his dynamic and engaging on-air presence.

Launch of Fade to Black Radio

In 2014, Jimmy Church launched Fade to Black Radio, a show dedicated to exploring the unknown. The show quickly gained popularity due to Church's compelling interview style and his ability to secure high-profile guests from various fields including ufology, conspiracy theories, and the paranormal. Notable guests have included Richard Dolan, Linda Moulton Howe, and David Wilcock.

Show Format and Content

"Fade to Black Radio" airs weeknights and typically runs for three hours. The show features a mix of monologues by Jimmy Church, in-depth interviews with guests, and live calls from listeners. Topics covered on the show range from UFO sightings and alien abductions to government cover-ups and ancient mysteries, offering a platform for diverse and often controversial discussions.

Influence and Community Engagement

Beyond his radio show, Jimmy Church is an active participant in the ufology and paranormal communities. He frequently speaks at conferences and events such as Contact in the Desert and the Conscious Life Expo. These engagements allow him to interact with his audience and discuss the latest developments in the field.

Online Presence and Accessibility

"Fade to Black Radio" has a robust online presence. Episodes are available for streaming on platforms like YouTube, iHeartRadio, and Spreaker. The show's website also offers an extensive archive of past episodes, making it accessible to both longtime listeners and newcomers interested in the unexplained.

Legacy and Impact

Jimmy Church has made a significant impact in the world of talk radio and alternative media. Through "Fade to Black Radio," he has created a platform that challenges conventional narratives and brings attention to fringe topics. His dedication to exploring the unknown and his charismatic hosting style have earned him a loyal following and a respected place in the community.

© 2024 Jimmy Church Radio. All rights reserved.

Website: https://jimmychurchradio.com/


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Fade To Black – Stephan Schwartz – July 8th

Fade To Black – Stephan Schwartz – July 8th

Stephan Schwartz

July 8th, 2024


Remote Viewing the World


Fade To Black - Stephan Schwartz - July 8th

Tonight, Monday on FADE to BLACK: Stephan Schwartz, one of the pioneers in modern Remote Viewing research will discuss his groundbreaking work as the principal researcher in projects related to archaeology, consciousness, history, and science.

Stephan A. Schwartz is a Distinguished Consulting Faculty of Saybrook University, and a Research Associate of the Cognitive Sciences Laboratory of the Laboratories for Fundamental Research. He is the columnist for the journal Explore, and editor of the daily web publication Schwartzreport.net in both of which he covers trends that are affecting the future. He also writes regularly for The Huffington Post.

Stephan is part of the small group that founded modern Remote Viewing research, and is the principal researcher studying the use of Remote Viewing in archaeology. He is the author of more than 130 technical reports and papers. In addition to his experimental studies he has written numerous magazine articles for Smithsonian, OMNI, American History, American Heritage, The Washington Post, The New York Times, as well as other magazines and newspapers. He has produced and written a number television documentaries, and has written four books: The Secret Vaults of Time, The Alexandria Project, Mind Rover, Opening to the Infinite, and his latest, The 8 Laws of Change.


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Fade To Black – Wally Wagner Jr. – July 9th

Fade To Black – Wally Wagner Jr. – July 9th

Wally Wagner Jr.

July 9th, 2024


UFOs And The Bible


Fade To Black - Wally Wagner Jr. - July 9th

Tonight, Tuesday on FADE to BLACK: "Wally" Wagner will talk about his remarkable 2016 UFO sighting that forever changed his beliefs and will also explore the fascinating intersection of UFOs and spirituality.

Wallace Wagner Jr. holds a BS degree from West Virginia University and has pursued graduate studies at the University of Charleston. His diverse career includes roles as a manager for two Fortune 500 companies, a mailman, a water plant operator, a coal miner, a phlebotomist, a laboratory technician, a farmer, an EMT, and a soil conservationist. Now an author, Wallace has delved deeply into early church history, Bible history, eschatology, time and space, and the historical presence of UFOs. He has also extensively studied near-death experiences (NDEs) and shared death experiences (SDEs).

An avid Ancient Astronaut enthusiast, Wallace brings a wealth of knowledge and a unique perspective to his explorations of these fascinating topics.


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Fade To Black – Adam Nimoy – July 10th

Fade To Black – Adam Nimoy – July 10th

Adam Nimoy

July 10th, 2024


'For the Love of Spock'


Fade To Black - Adam Nimoy - July 10th

Tonight, Wednesday on FADE to BLACK: Adam Nimoy opens up about his life as the son of the iconic Vulcan, sharing the complexities of their relationship and how it shaped his perspectives on marriage, parenting, and eventually, sobriety. Despite their differences, both men found themselves on parallel journeys.

Adam Nimoy was born during the Eisenhower administration to Leonard and Sandra Zoberblatt Nimoy. He attended the University Elementary School, a “lab school” run by UCLA, where he was subjected to numerous psychological experiments. The experimentation continued at UC Berkeley in the form of mind-altering substances. In a state of absolute certainty, Adam attended Loyola Law School. He was wrong. After seven years of practicing entertainment law and one moment of clarity, Adam left his life as an attorney to follow his passion of making films. After directing forty-five hours of network television, Adam’s career plummeted due in large part to drug and alcohol addiction. On January 1, 2004, Adam entered 12-Step recovery hoping to achieve an attitude adjustment. This was a New Year’s resolution he knew he had to keep. For eight years, he taught writing, directing and acting at the New York Film Academy and taught filmmaking at Beit T’Shuvah, an addiction treatment center where the residents kept him on the straight and narrow.


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