Fade To Black – Chris Coleman – December 26th

Fade To Black – Chris Coleman – December 26th

Chris Coleman

December 26th, 2023



Fade To Black - Chris Coleman - December 26th


Tonight, Tuesday on FADE to BLACK: Chris Coleman joins us to dive deep into the history of ghosts and haunts including President Abraham Lincoln's beliefs of the paranormal to the mysterious tales of the Civil War and much more!

Christopher Kiernan Coleman is a free-lance author, lecturer & consultant. He received his BA in History from St. Anselm College and pursued his graduate studies in Archaeology and Ancient History at the University of Chicago. He previously worked with Metro Nashville’s municipal museums for over five years, giving lectures, curating exhibits and coordinating living history programs, as well as accessioning new artifacts into its holdings and studying its collections. He has been Manager for the Bradford-Berry House, (an 18th century historic home) and is Director emeritus of a regional arts council. He has lectured as an adjunct instructor at Volunteer State College, as well as making presentations at other public venues such as the Southern Festival of Books and appearing on television and cable. Prior to settling in Nashville, he produced short films and documentaries in New York, winning several media awards.
Chris continues to write books, articles and online content on a wide variety of subjects and is working on a historical novel.


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Jim Marrs Replay On Fade To Black May 21st

Jim Marrs On Fade To Black

May 21st, 2019


In Memoriam of Jim Marrs


Jim Marrs Replay On Fade To Black May 21st
Tonight we listen to a Replay to remember Jim Marrs.

Jim Marrs is a native of Fort Worth, Texas and earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism from the University of North Texas in 1966 and attended Graduate School at Texas Tech in Lubbock for two years more. He has worked for several Texas newspapers, including the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, where beginning in 1968 he served as police reporter and general assignments reporter covering stories locally, in Europe and the Middle East. After a leave of absence to serve with a Fourth Army intelligence unit during the Vietnam War, he became military and aerospace writer for the newspaper and an investigative reporter. Since 1980, Mr. Marrs has been a free-lance writer, author and public relations consultant.

Mr. Marrs has appeared on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, CSPAN, the Discovery, Learning and History Channels, This Morning America, Geraldo, Montel Williams, Today, Tech TV and Larry King.

He is the author of many books, including: Alien Agenda, Rule by Secrecy, The War on Freedom, The Rise of the Fourth Reich, Above Top Secret, Population Control and his current release is: The Illuminati.

Website: http://www.jimmarrs.com

Fade To Black – Timothy Hogan – March 13th

Fade To Black – Timothy Hogan – March 13th

Timothy Hogan

March 13th, 2023


Knights Templar In Egypt


Fade To Black - Timothy Hogan - March 13th


Tonight, Monday on FADE to BLACK: Timothy Hogan, Grand Master of the Knights Templar, joins us to talk about the secrets of the Templar.

Timothy W. Hogan is the worldwide Grand Master for the Knights Templar, OTSI, and he runs the Templar Collegia in conjunction with it. He has been knighted in France into the Order of the Paraclete and the Dove, and knighted in Scotland into the Order of Saint Andrews, and into the Royal Order of Scotland. He has also been knighted as a Gold Star Sir Knight of the Knights of the Glen.

Timothy has been a student and Past Master within several different esoteric organizations over the last 25 years. He has studied and served as a leader within various branches of Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, Martinism, and Templarism, as well as other Orders of both Eastern and Western lineage. He has written 8 books, and dozens of articles for different periodicals. He is known for speaking worldwide at both public and private venues, delivering hundreds of lectures. Timothy Hogan serves as an expert in cross cultural symbolism, and he regularly works as a consultant in the entertainment industry, and helping in Track II Diplomacy worldwide.

Website: https://www.amazon.com/Timothy-Hogan/e/B006QH94T4

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David Adair On Fade To Black April 23rd

David Adair On Fade To Black

April 23rd 2018


America's Fall From Space


David Adair On Fade To Black April 23rd
David Adair is an internationally recognized expert in space technology spinoff applications for industry and commercial use. At age 11 he built his first of hundreds of rockets which he designed and test flew. At 17 he won "The Most Outstanding in the Field of Engineering Sciences" from the US Air Force. At 19 he designed and fabricated a state-of-the-art mechanical system for changing jet turbine engines for the US Navy that set world record turnaround times that still stand today.
He is a world class presenter and keynote speaker, seminar and workshop leader and consultant. His presentations include little known facts and anecdotes from his involvement with the space program, commercial technology development, films and "the things he has seen" at Area 51.

His new documentary on DVD is called: America's Fall from Space: A Story of Scientific Collusion.

Website: https://www.americasfallfromspace.com/

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Fade To Black – Paul Hynek – October 12th

Fade To Black – Paul Hynek – October 12th

Paul Hynek

October 12th, 2021


New Blue Book?


Fade To Black - Dr. Robert Davis - October 11th

Tuesday on FADE to BLACK: Paul Hynek is with us to talk about where we are today with the ET/UFO/UAP issue and how the US Government and Military seems to be changing their stance on the subject and how it has changed since the 1969 termination of Project Blue Book.

Paul Hynek has worked in tech and entertainment and is currently a business consultant. Paul is also a former adjunct professor at Pepperdine University. Paul is the son of Dr. J. Allen Hynek, an astronomer who worked with the U.S. Air Force investigating UFO cases from 1948 to the end of Blue Book in 1969. Dr. J. Allen Hynek began his investigation with USAF as a skeptic, but by the time Blue Book ended, he was convinced some UFO cases posed a real mystery.

Book: https://www.amazon.com/Hynek-UFO-Report-Authoritative-Cover-Up/dp/1590033035/ctoc


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