Daniel Sheehan June 23rd

Daniel Sheehan June 23rd

Daniel Sheehan

Institute for Cooperation in Space General Counsel and Co-Director Daniel Sheehan, JD, is a graduate of Harvard Law School, a former Director of the Christic Institute, and is a Professor of World Politics at the University of California. Mr. Sheehan has a long and distinguished history as public interest counsel, and was legal counsel in the Pentagon Papers case, the Iran-Contra, Three Mile Island, and Karen Silkwood cases, as well as many other high profile cases. "During my thirty years in the field of public interest law and public policy, I have supervised professional investigations into the illegal smuggling of weapons-grade plutonium, the illegal supply of arms to terrorist organizations by covert operations and government agents, and into ultra-"black" weapons programs unknown even to the most trusted congressional officials. I have come to believe that keeping weapons out of interplanetary space is the most important contribution we can make to the future of this planet. The time to begin this task is now.

Daniel Sheehan is a social activist who has spent virtually his entire life working on progressive social programs and initiatives. As the Legal Counsel on such nationally-recognized investigative cases involving government covert operations as The Karen Silkwood Case, The Iran/Contra Case, The Pentagon Papers Case, The Watergate Burglary Case, and The American Sanctuary Movement Case, Dan brings to the issue of Extraterrestrial Intelligence and the UFO Phenomenon a unique background in investigating and exposing the world of American governmental covert operations, "black budget" operations, mind control programs, government disinformation projects, covert warfare and clandestine operations. He established the Christic Institute in Washington, DC, which for nearly two decades was the country's preeminent public-interest law firm.

In 1994 Dan defended Dr. John Mack before his inquisition by an Investigatory panel of the Harvard Medical School after Dr. Mack's courageous publication of "Abduction: Human Encounters With Aliens.” This was not his first, nor his last, encounter with the important issue of Alien Intelligence and American Law. In 1977, while General Counsel to the United States Jesuit Office of Social Ministry in Washington, DC., he served as a Special Consultant to the United States Library of Congress Congressional Research Office Project on Extraterrestrial Intelligence ordered by President Jimmy Carter. In this capacity, Dan was given access not only to the classified portions of the United States Air Force's infamous “Project Blue Book” files but to the confidential report prepared for the Science & Technology Committee of the United States Congress by the Library of Congress Congressional Research Office pursuant to this Presidential assignment.

Today, Dan is director of The Strategic Initiative To Identify The New Paradigm which was one of the six Strategic Initiatives of the State of The world Forum of President Gorbachev. In this organization, Dan shares the responsibility for formulation of a new world view integrating into all of the classical fields of human knowledge (Cosmology, Theology, Philosophy, Physical Science, Psychology, Ethics, Ontology, Epistemology, Human Teleology) the now virtually universally accepted FACT of the existence of extraterrestrial Intelligence in our Universe and the growingly-accepted fact that representatives of one or more of these extraterrestrial civilizations are presently visiting our planet and interacting with members of our species.

Micah Hanks Dec 23rd

Micah Hanks Dec 23rd

Micah Hanks is a writer, researcher, lecturer, and radio personality whose work addresses a variety of areas, including history, politics, scientific theories and unexplained phenomena. Open minded, but skeptical in his approach, his research has examined a broad variety of subjects over the years, incorporating interest in cultural studies, natural science and scientific anomalies, and the prospects of our technological future as a species as influenced by science.


Fade To Black – Dr. Thomas Valone – February 7th

Fade To Black – Dr. Thomas Valone – February 7th

Dr. Thomas Valone

February 7th, 2024


Tesla’s Electrotherapy


Fade To Black - Dr. Thomas Valone - February 7th


Tonight, Wednesday on FADE to BLACK: Dr. Thomas Valone is with us to talk about Tesla’s electrotherapy devices and New propulsion discoveries.

Thomas F. Valone, PHD, PE Project Director, is a physicist and licensed professional engineer with over 30 years professional experience, is a retired patent examiner, college teacher, research engineer, instrumentation designer, CEO, and currently an author, lecturer, and consultant on future energy developments.

He was Research Director for Scott Aviation-ATO, Inc., founder of Integrity Research Institute and the inventor of such electrotherapy devices asthe EM Pulser, EM PulsePad, OsteoPad, and the high voltage Premier Junior. Dr.Valone also supervised the design and construction of the world's first narrowband 60 Hz gauss meter without harmonic distortion and the first dental mercury vapor ionizer-precipitator. He is the author of Zero Point Energy: TheFuel of the Future, Practical Conversion of Zero Point Energy, The HomopolarHandbook, Electrogravitics Systems, Electrogravitics II, Bioelectromagnetic Healing, PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIRST TO TWELFTH CONFERENCES ON FUTURE ENERGY, and over 100 reports and articles. He is a member of the Institute of Electricaland Electronic Engineers, National Space Society, and the Union of Concerned Scientists. His works have been published in German, Korean, French, Russian,and English.


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Jim Marrs On Fade To Black November 9th

Jim Marrs On Fade To Black

November 9th 2016




Jim Marrs is a native of Fort Worth, Texas and earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism from the University of North Texas in 1966 and attended Graduate School at Texas Tech in Lubbock for two years more. He has worked for several Texas newspapers, including the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, where beginning in 1968 he served as police reporter and general assignments reporter covering stories locally, in Europe and the Middle East. After a leave of absence to serve with a Fourth Army intelligence unit during the Vietnam War, he became military and aerospace writer for the newspaper and an investigative reporter. Since 1980, Mr. Marrs has been a free-lance writer, author and public relations consultant.

Mr. Marrs has appeared on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, CSPAN, the Discovery, Learning and History Channels, This Morning America, Geraldo, Montel Williams, Today, Tech TV and Larry King.

He is the author of many books, including: Alien Agenda, Rule by Secrecy, The War on Freedom, The Rise of the Fourth Reich, Above Top Secret and his current release is Population Control.

Tonight, Jim joins the show for a full election wrap up...as only Marrs can do it...do not miss this show!!!

Website: http://www.jimmarrs.com

Rick DeLano On Fade To Black Novemberr 17th

Rick DeLano On Fade To Black Novemberr 17th

Rick DeLano On Fade To Black

November 17th, 2020


New film: 'The End of Quantum Reality'


Rick DeLano On Fade To Black Novemberr 17th
Tonight, our guest is Rick DeLano, the writer, producer, and host of the new film: 'The End of Quantum Reality'.

Rick has worked as an executive producer, and financial consultant in the music and film industries for more than 20 years. A writer and filmmaker, DeLano is best known for producing the controversial movie, THE PRINCIPLE, an endeavor that has rocked the scientific establishment by using its own discoveries to prove that the Earth is centrally located in the universe and sits in a favored position.

His newest production is the film, THE END OF QUANTUM REALITY, a work based on the discoveries of former MIT mathematics professor, Dr. Wolfgang Smith. The movie details how it is that Dr. Smith has solved the legendary “quantum enigma” - the paradox whereby Schrodinger's cat is both alive and dead or one particle can be at two places at once, something that Albert Einstein futilely spent the last 30 years of his life trying to understand.

Website: https://philos-sophia.org/


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