Fade To Black – Travis Walton – April 5th

Fade To Black – Travis Walton – April 5th

Travis Walton

April 5th, 2021


State of Disclosure


Fade To Black - Travis Walton - April 5th

Monday on FADE to BLACK: Travis Walton is back and we are going to find out what he has learned over the last 45 years and what are his opinions about UFOs, our government, ET, and our community??? Tonight, we'll get those answers and much more...

Travis Walton's life changed on November 5, 1975, while working with a logging crew in the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest in Arizona.

The Walton case received mainstream publicity and remains one of the best-known instances of alien abduction. It is one of the very few alien abduction cases with corroborative eyewitnesses, and one of few abduction cases where the time allegedly spent in the custody of aliens plays a rather minor role in the overall account.

What has Travis learned over the last 45 years and what are his opinions about UFOs, our government, ET, and our community??? Tonight, we'll get those answers and much more...

Website: http://www.travis-walton.com/

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Fade To Black – Darcy Weir – April 6th

Fade To Black – Darcy Weir – April 6th

Darcy Weir

April 6th, 2021


New Film: Crop Circle Realities


Fade To Black - Darcy Weir - April 6th

Tuesday on FADE to BLACK: Darcy Weir joins us for the first time and we are going to discuss his work, UFOs, Bigfoot, and Crop Circles.

Darcy is an independent documentary filmmaker from Canada, trained as a video editor, writer, director and producer in university and technical college, he has chosen to work on some of the more fascinating subjects that are discussed today.

Recently he completed a new documentary based on the theory that Relic Hominids like Sasquatch live in deep wilderness all around the world. Darcy’s film also cover UFO’s UFO disclosure and Crop Circles. He also published a remastered version of an earlier film about Phil Schneider, underground bases and secret space. His most recent film out this month is “Crop Circle Realities”.


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Fade To Black – Jonny Enoch – April 7th

Fade To Black – Jonny Enoch – April 7th

Jonny Enoch

April 7th, 2021


Strangeness Updates


Fade To Black - Jonny Enoch - April 7th

Wednesday on FADE to BLACK: Jonny Enoch is with us and we are going to talk about his recent information gathering on all things strange... UFOs, technology, and the state of our world.

Jonny’s ground-breaking research has been featured in numerous interviews, articles and has been well received at conferences. His goal is to prepare the public for full disclosure and create a peaceful future that includes space exploration and the development of consciousness based sciences.

Currently, he is a featured speaker on the Ancient Mysteries Tour of Egypt and the Serpentine Mysteries Tour of Peru and Bolivia with Brien Foerster at Hidden Inca Tours. He is also writing a book on Advanced Civilizations and Ancient Consciousness Technologies.

Website: https://www.youtube.com/metaphysicalsource

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Fade To Black – Fadernight – Open Lines – April 8th

Fade To Black – Fadernight – Open Lines – April 8th

Fader Night

April 8th, 2021

Open Lines

It's Fadernight!


YOUR calls, YOUR thoughts, YOUR voice.

Thursday on FADE to BLACK: Yes, it's Thursday... and it's another Fadernight with open-lines all night long. Your calls, your conversation. Un-censored, Un-filtered, and Un-screened.

Fadernight is the greatest night in all of talk radio in all of the world... covering UFOs, Time Travel, Conspiracy, Lost History, the Paranormal and the Supernatural.

The call-in number: 747-228-2051

Fade To Black – Yvonne Smith – March 29th

Fade To Black – Yvonne Smith – March 29th

Yvonne Smith

March 29th, 2021


Recollections Of UFO Abductions


Fade To Black - Yvonne Smith - March 29th.

Yvonne Smith became concerned with victims of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ["PTSD"] in the late 1980s, and in 1990 received her certification from the California Hypnosis Motivation Institute. She immediately began to work with PTSD victims, assisting them and encouraging them to work through and cope with their PTSD.

Observing that many of her subjects were describing a pattern of alien abduction and other close encounter experiences, in 1991 Yvonne founded CERO [Close Encounter Resource Organization] which provides personal attention and maintains active monthly support group meetings where PTSD victims share their thoughts and feelings about their unusual experiences.

While maintaining personal contact with her subjects, since 1991 Yvonne extensively co-lectured with Harvard's John Mack, M.D., Budd Hopkins, and David Jacobs, Ph.D., in the United States at M.I.T and several other universities.

Yvonne's television appearances have included MSNBC, The Discovery Channel, The History Channel, Montel Williams Show, Encounters, Sightings, Rosanne Barr, The Joan Rivers Show, and The Leeza Show.

She has published two books: Coronado and most recently: Chosen: Recollections Of UFO Abductions Through Hypnotherapy.

Website: http://hypnotherapistyvonnesmith.com/

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Fade To Black – Kathleen Marden – March 30th

Fade To Black – Kathleen Marden – March 30th

Kathleen Marden

March 30th, 2021




Fade To Black - Kathleen Marden - March 30th.

Kathleen Marden is a leading UFO researcher, the author of several books, a featured on-camera commentator, and an international lecturer.

She earned a BA degree in social work and worked as an educator and education services coordinator while attending graduate school. She is a Master level practitioner of The Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. Her interest in UFOs and contact began in 1961, when her aunt and uncle Betty and Barney Hill, had a close encounter and subsequent abduction in New Hampshire’s White Mountains.

A primary witness to the evidence of the UFO abduction and the aftermath, Kathleen has intimate knowledge of Betty and Barney Hill’s biographical histories, investigation files, and scientific interest in their sensational experience. Betty’s scientific contact experiments may have led to Kathy’s personal memories of contact—memories that were undisclosed for nearly 50 years. This led to a personal journey of exploration, leaving no stone un-turned, to find answers through scholarly work, investigation and social research. Kathleen is the author of three books and many essays.

Tonight we will discuss "Captured" The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience. The True Story of the World's First Documented Alien Abduction.

Website: https://kathleen-marden.com/


*due to technical issues this show was rescheduled for Thursday

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