Fadernight – Open Lines October 13th

Fadernight – Open Lines October 13th

Fader Night

October 13th 2020

It's Fadernight!


YOUR calls, YOUR thoughts, YOUR voice.

It's Tuesday, not Thursday... but, it's FADERNIGHT with open-lines all night long! We took last Thursday off to start celebrating Jimmy's birthday, so tonight we are making up for it with your conversations all night long! Plus, this Thursday is booked with Karen, Rodney and a Ouija board... so, that's out. Which means tonight is FADERNIGHT.

Your calls, your conversation about UFOs, Conspiracy, Time Travel, the Paranormal and Supernatural, and Lost History.

The call-in number is: 747-228-2051

Whitley Strieber On Fade To Black October 14th

Whitley Strieber On Fade To Black October 14th

Whitley Strieber On Fade To Black

October 14th, 2020


'A New World'


Whitley Strieber On Fade To Black October 14th
Tonight our guest is Whitley Strieber and we are going to discuss the weaponizing of space, the Space Force, and if we really need to defend our planet from ET.

Whitley is the author of 'Communion' and his latest book is: 'A New World'.

As science advances, we are finding that the universe is far larger and more complex than we ever imagined, and mysterious beings like our visitors, which we dismissed as imaginary, are turning out to be real.
This is calling to all of us to find a new life, a new world, in which they play a part.

Whitley is the author of the Communion series of books and many novels ranging from the Wolfen and the Hunger to the Grays and the Alien Hunter series. Communion, the Wolfen, the Hunger and Superstorm have all been made into movies, Superstorm as the Day After Tomorrow.

Whitley Strieber On Fade To Black October 14thhttps://www.unknowncountry.com/


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Karen A. Dahlman On Fade To Black October 15th

Karen A. Dahlman On Fade To Black October 15th

Karen A. Dahlman On Fade To Black

October 15th, 2020




Karen A. Dahlman On Fade To Black October 15th
Tonight, Karen A. Dahlman joins us for a Ouija session... with her partner, Rodney! Nothing like Ouija, October, and Halloween!

Karen A. Dahlman is a Director of the Talking Board Historical Society, a paranormal researcher and the author of The Spirits of Ouija: Four Decades of Communication. As a leading Ouija practitioner, she has been using the Ouija board since 1973 with astounding results. Within her message, Karen shares the positive side to the Ouija board as a tool for exploring consciousness, which includes the afterlife, the highter self and sentient beings that exist among us within the unseen dimensions.

Karen holds a master's degree from the University of New Mexico in art psychotherapy, is a licensed counselor and is experienced in hypnosis, past life regression and channeling. She is the talk show host of Creative Visions TV and speaks and teaches at paranormal and spiritual conferences and events around the world.

Website: http://www.karenadahlman.com/


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Jason Shurka On Fade To Black October 5th

Jason Shurka On Fade To Black October 5th

Jason Shurka On Fade To Black

October 5th, 2020


The Pyramid Code


Jason Shurka On Fade To Black October 5th
Tonight, our guest is Jason Shurka and we are going to discuss the document: "The Pyramid Code". The document is available for download in four different languages: Hebrew (the original), English, Italian, and Dutch on his website at the link below.

Jason is a spiritual teacher who focuses on teaching others how to use their mind to clear all emotional and physical blockages in order to unlock their limitless potential. He takes pleasure in traveling the world and exploring different cultures. He has dedicated his life to shining the light of presence and love on others, and thus expand the Light for others to shine onto the rest of humanity.

He is the author of "Forming the Formless" and "The Language of Engergy".

Website: https://www.jasonshurka.com/

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Ron Keel On Fade To Black October 6th

Ron Keel On Fade To Black October 6th

Ron Keel On Fade To Black

October 6th, 2020


The Metal Cowboy


Ron Keel On Fade To Black October 6th
Tonight, our guest is Ron Keel and we are going to talk Rock-n-Roll, UFOs, Conspiracy, the Paranormal and what it's like to grow up to be The Metal Cowboy.

From the first Steeler album, Ron Keel’s 35-year career has taken him from the concrete jungles of arena rock to the dirt roads of country music. Ron has sold millions of albums and toured the world as both a heavy metal screamer and a southern rock/outlaw country artist.

Keel’s debut album THE RIGHT TO ROCK was produced by KISS’ Gene Simmons – they went on to notch three albums on Billboard’s Hot 100 as well as MTV and radio hits “The Right To Rock,” “Because The Night,” “Tears Of Fire,” “Somebody’s Waiting,” and “Rock N Roll Outlaw.”

Keel has toured with Bon Jovi, Van Halen, Aerosmith, Motley Crue, Dio, Y&T, Queensryche and his 2019/2020 World Tour included the Monsters Of Rock Cruise (Belize/Cozumel), Australia, the Frontiers Rock Festival in Milan, Italy, the KISS & Rock N Roll Expo in Helsinki, Finland, and KEELFEST (featuring Keel, Ron Keel Band and Steeler) plus major bike events like the Sturgis Rally and Hot Harley Nights.

After nearly three years hosting the “Streets of Rock & Roll” rock-and-talk syndicated radio show, Keel was handpicked to join a dream team of Midwest rock radio royalty on KBAD 94.5 FM, where Ron’s “Mid-Day Mayhem” show skyrocketed to the top of the Neilson ratings for that region. He’s now back on the “Streets Of Rock N Roll” with weekly broadcasts on Total Rock Radio, PureRockRadio.net, 97Underground, Philly Rock Radio, RockRageRadio.com and more.

As a songwriter, Ron has dozens of TV and film credits – major movies like “Men In Black II,” “Dolphin Tale,” “The Messengers”, and TV shows “X-Files”, “Desperate Housewives”, “The Simpsons”, “King Of The Hill”, and the Daytona 500 broadcast.

Website: https://ronkeel.com/


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