Fade To Black – Ismael Perez – February 14th

Fade To Black – Ismael Perez – February 14th

Ismael Perez

February 14th, 2023


Our Cosmic Origin


Fade To Black - Ismael Perez - February 14th


Tonight, Tuesday on FADE to BLACK: Ismael Perez joins us for the first time and we are going to discuss: 'Our Cosmic Origin' and take a deep dive into the Multiverse!

Ismael is an awakened star seed with memories of an ancient galactic war that took place in our galaxy and has been getting downloads about galactic and cosmic intel for many years now.

He is the author of 'Our Cosmic Origin', In this book, he proposes the idea that mankind’s origin was cosmic and galactic revealing a higher cosmology involving the existence of endless worlds and other universes. He believes himself to be one of many many cosmic ambassadors that have incarnated at this time to help restore the earth in its rightful place in the galactic and cosmic community.

Amazon: Book - Our Cosmic Origin


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Fade To Black – Richard Dolan – February 15th

Fade To Black – Richard Dolan – February 15th

Richard Dolan

February 15th, 2023


Missiles And UFOs/UAPs


Fade To Black - Richard Dolan - February 15th


Tonight, Wednesday on FADE to BLACK: Richard Dolan is with us and we are going to talk about the skies over North America and what may be going on with missiles, UFOs/UAPs, and the agenda behind it all.

Richard is one of the world’s leading researchers and writers on the subject of UFOs, and believes that they constitute the greatest mystery of our time.

Dolan completed his graduate work at the University of Rochester, where he studied U.S. Cold War strategy, European history, and international diplomacy. Richard also studied at Alfred University and Oxford University.

He is the author of UFOs and the National Security State, A.D. After Disclosure, UFOs and the 21st Century Mind, and his latest: The Alien Agendas: A Speculative Analysis of Those Visiting Earth.

Richard’s weekly “Fireside Chat” video podcast with his latest thoughts is over at Richard Dolan Members... He is currently featured on several television series and documentaries, including Ancient Aliens, Hangar One: The UFO Files and the new feature film: The Observers.


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Fade To Black – Adam Apollo – February 8th

Fade To Black – Adam Apollo – February 8th

Adam Apollo

February 8th, 2023


Physics And Contact


Fade To Black - Adam Apollo - February 8th


Tonight, Wednesday on FADE to BLACK: Adam Apollo joins us to talk about physics, science, consciousness and contact!

As a child, Adam Apollo had several encounters with extraterrestrial star-ships. Since awakening at 15 years, Adam dedicated himself to extensive studies in theoretical physics, symbolic geometry, past-life recall, sanskaric healing, Taoist alchemy, martial arts, energy therapies, occult magic, and many diverse ancient and modern spiritual traditions and practices.

He is a founder of the UNIFY movement, and is a member of the Resonance Academy for Unified Physics, the Guardian Alliance Academy for self-mastery, and the Visionary Arts Academy.

Tonight is our last show for the week… Thursday I’m taking the night off… I’ll be hosting the Conscious Life Expo.

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Fade To Black – Jason Quitt – February 7th

Fade To Black – Jason Quitt – February 7th

Jason Quitt

February 7th, 2023


'Astral Genesis' Released


Fade To Black - Jason Quitt - February 7th


Tonight, Tuesday on FADE to BLACK: Jason Quitt joins us to announce the publishing of his new book: 'Astral Genesis'... and we will, as promised, present images and secrets to the world!!!

Jason is a graduate of the Institute of Energy Wellness, and a student of Algonquin Shamanism and has been training and working with many teachers, shamans, and traditional healers from around the world.

Mr. Quitt is also the author of “The Egyptian Postures of Power Ancient Qi Gong System”, “The Yosef Codes – Sacred geometry Mandalas”, and his latest: 'Astral Genesis'.


Astral Genesis

Fade To Black - Jason Quitt - February 7th

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Fade To Black – Scott Wolter – February 6th

Fade To Black – Scott Wolter – February 6th

Scott Wolter

February 6th, 2023


New Discoveries


Fade To Black - Scott Wolter - February 6th


Tonight, Monday on FADE to BLACK: Scott Wolter is here for another open conversation about all of his latest discoveries.

Scott is an author and host of America Unearthed and has been the President of American Petrographic Services since 1990.

Scott is responsible for the independent testing of the Kensington Rune stone in 2000. He’s been the principal petrographer in more than 5,000 investigations throughout the U.S., Canada and Puerto Rico, including the evaluation of fire damaged concrete at the Pentagon following the attacks of September 11, 2001.


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