Dr. Daniel Estulin On Fade To Black January 15th

Dr. Daniel Estulin On Fade To Black January 15th

Dr. Daniel Estulin On Fade To Black

January 15th, 2020


Conceptual Intelligence


Dr. Daniel Estulin On Fade To Black January 15th
Tonight we discuss the history of the Bilderberg Group with our guest, Daniel Estulin. Who is really making the decisions that shape our world today? Tonight we'll try and find the answers on F2B.

Dr. Daniel Estulin is a preeminent historian of the global elite and Ph.D. of conceptual intelligence. He is focused on defining the future and exposes world dynamics and agendas. He provides the information, tools, and motivation necessary to inspire and catalyze the shift we as humanity have to make. In doing so, his work strengthens movements, ensures a more just system, and brings us closer to the promise of democracy. In his international best seller, The True Story of the Bilderberg Group, which has sold 7.6 million copies in 68 countries and been translated into 48 languages, Dr. Estulin was the first man to publicly expose this shadowy cabal of some of the world’s most powerful behind the scenes manipulators.

Website: https://english.danielestulin.com/


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Bob Fletcher On Fade To Black Nov 4th

Bob Fletcher On Fade To Black

November 2nd 2015


Bob Fletcher owned a toy factory in Marietta, Georgia near Lockheed Dobbins Air Force Base in 1985. In order to expand his business, Fletcher merged with a partner, Gary Best. Later, he found Best was a high-ranking covert intelligence agent who intended to use the toy company for arms dealing. Angola, West Africa, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Ollie North’s Contra dealings were all part of the new connections of Fletcher’s toy company. Due to these circumstances, Fletcher was interviewed for the Iran/Contra hearings and was a deposed witness for the Christic Institute’s 24 million dollar legal proceedings against the Iran/Contra lineup which actually began in 1954. In spite of a five-year investigation, Fletcher’s 365-page deposition and a mountain of evidence including 1,500 other depositions that linked US intelligence figures to drugs, arms shipments and assassinations, the government threw the case out on the basis it was a frivolous action. Following his ousting from the toy company, Fletcher eventually wound up in Noxon, Montana with a small group of people who began the Militia of Montana. This affiliation put him on numerous TV talk shows and before a US Senate investigation committee targeting US militia activity in 1995. A comment by Fletcher about the scientific ability to control the weather created a storm of attempted debunking by authorities.
Since then, he has turned his attention to the return of Planet X: Nibiru and the latest evidence for the rogue 'Planet X,' and how underground cities and hideouts have been developed for the elite to seek refuge.

Maureen Wood On Fade To Black October 30th

Maureen Wood On Fade To Black

October 30th 2018


The Ghost Chronicles


Maureen Wood On Fade To Black October 30th
Maureen Wood is a fifth generation Psychic/Trance-medium. For as far back as she can remember, she has communicated with the dead. At the age of fifteen, she was introduced to a woman who studied with Laurie Cabot, the official Witch of Salem, Massachusetts. This mentor took Maureen under her wing and guided her in ways to not only understand, but also to control her gifts. At this same age, she also served as a medium for adult séances. She has practiced, studied, and instructed metaphysical studies for thirty-five plus years.
Maureen Wood On Fade To Black October 30th
Maureen is currently the lead psychic/medium for The New England Ghost Project and the former co-host of the popular Ghost Chronicles radio show. Maureen also starred in the Emmy-winning American Builder Halloween special.

Maureen has also written three books with Ron Kolek: More Ghost Chronicles: Stories from the Realm of the Unknown, the Unexplained, and the Unbelievable, The Ghost Chronicles: A Medium and a Paranormal Scientist Investigate 17 True Hauntings and Ghost a Day: 365 True Tales of the Spectral, Supernatural, and Just Plain Scary!

Tonight is night #2 of our Halloween week on F2B and Maureen is going to share her favorite ghost stories!

Website: More Ghost Chronicles

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Fade To Black – Ryan S. Wood – May 7th

Fade To Black – Ryan S. Wood – May 7th

Ryan S. Wood

May 7th, 2024


ET Agenda


Fade To Black - Ryan S. Wood - May 7th


Tonight, Tuesday on FADE to BLACK: Ryan S. Wood will be Examining the evidence for Crashed UFOs and what leaked government documents tell us about the cover-up of alien technology. Also what can we ufologist learn from artificial intelligence?

Ryan S. Wood hails from southern California, where his fascination with UFOs began through his father's involvement in UFO physics research. Graduating from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo in Mathematics and Computer Science in 1978, he embarked on a diverse career spanning marketing, sales, engineering, and corporate management in industries including semiconductor, aerospace, and medical imaging.

Ryan is renowned for his expertise in the classified Majestic-12 intelligence documents and the 1941 Cape Girardeau UFO Crash. He authored "MAJIC EYES ONLY: Earth’s Encounters with Extraterrestrial Technology," a comprehensive exploration of over 100 UFO crash retrievals and discussions on document authenticity.

A sought-after lecturer on UFOs, Ryan has taught college courses and presented at ufology conferences worldwide. He organized seven international UFO crash retrieval symposia from 2003 to 2009, nurturing the careers of many prominent UFO researchers.

Notably, he delivered a two-hour UFO lecture to military officers at the Naval Postgraduate School, shaping the final exam for a National Security Affairs class. Ryan manages the content of the website majesticdocuments and co-executive produced a documentary, "The Secret," validating the authenticity of Majestic-12 documents, aired on the Sci-Fi channel.


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Alex Teplish On Fade To Black Oct. 7th

Alex Teplish On Fade To Black

October 7th 2015

alex teplish SM
Alex Teplish was born in Odessa, Ukraine, formerly known as the USSR. Having his grandparents survive concentration camps during the Holocaust and his parents struggling to live a decent life, they decided to immigrate to the United States, while Alex was still young. He went on to enjoy an average, American childhood and life growing up in Brooklyn, NY. Since an early age, he has had an inquiring mind and took a great liking and interest in Science and all things related; astronomy, extraterrestrial life, science-fiction, and comic books. There was also another, very inquisitive side of Alex that found interest in art/drawing, history, various religions & cultures, and other ancient stories.

Since graduating from Stony Brook University, Alex Teplish has worked diligently for over 18 years to become a leading expert in Web/Mobile Technologies, Graphic design, and Digital Marketing. His work in Graphic Design has also contributed to his recent project, a graphic novel, “In The Beginning: The Epic of Anunnaki”. Alex's project, “In The Beginning: The Epic of Anunnaki”, explores the theories of creation as told in The Book of Genesis, but with an ancient, extraterrestrial influence. After extensive research and collaborative efforts with artists and experts from around the world for a number of years; Alex Teplish has surely composed an intriguing and thought-provoking work with, “In The Beginning: The Epic of Anunnaki”.

Website: http://InTheBeginningTheBook.com/
YouTube: https://youtu.be/Pui1bhuhfjs
Twitter: https://twitter.com/InThe_Beginning
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/InTheBeginningTheBook

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