Hollis Polk And Kosta Makreas On Fade To Black Nov 23rd

Hollis Polk And Kosta Makreas

On Fade To Black

November 23rd 2015

Hollis biz cropped


Hollis Polk is a clairvoyant and personal coach, who teaches the ETLetsTalk community to develop their psychic abilities in order to communicate with extraterrestrial intelligence. Hollis has a bachelor’s degree in engineering from Princeton and a Harvard MBA. She is also a Master Practitioner of neurolinguistics, and a certified hypnotherapist. Hollis-adShe helps people create lives they love by blending neurolinguistic and hypnotherapy techniques, decision science, clairvoyance, and the common sense learned in over 30 years of business experience. Hollis is a successful business owner. She teaches classes in intuition development and offers one-on-one personal and professional coaching.

Website: http://www.888-4-hollis.com

Kosta Makreas is the founder of ETLetsTalk.com, the "Global CE-5 ET Contact Initiative", and "The People's Disclosure Movement”. He is an author, activist, international net-worker and online community leader promoting peaceful contact between Humans and Extra-Terrestrial intelligence. Kosta was born in Ft. Wayne, IN in 1953. In 1977 he earned a B.A. in Computer Science from Indiana University. He has been a successful software consultant in the Silicon Valley for almost 4 decades. Since 2006 his passion and mission has been the web site ETLetsTalk.com and the ETLetsTalk community which has more than 6000 members in 60+ countries. At ETLetsTalk.com he teaches everyday people how to successfully communicate and interact with loving ET spiritual Beings. The purpose is for humans to co-create with ET a positive planetary transformation - a “Golden Age” on Earth of free energy, planetary peace, abundance, environmental sanity, and justice for all.

Website: http://www.ETLetsTalk.com

Fade To Black – Pam Oslie – May 1st

Fade To Black – Pam Oslie – May 1st

Pam Oslie

May 1st, 2024


Future Of Humanity


Fade To Black - Pam Oslie - May 1st


Tonight, Wednesday on FADE to BLACK: Pam Oslie joins us for a full evening of conversation around two very important subjects: Are we evolving and the future of humanity.

Pamala Oslie is a renowned author, consultant, psychic intuitive, and aura expert, featured on major TV networks like ABC and NBC, as well as TEDx Talks. With five bestselling books and accolades like the Holistic Transformational Leader of the Year Award, she's impacted countless lives over her 40-year career. Founder of AuraColors.com and LoveColors.com, she's dedicated to helping people find success, joy, and love through her expertise.


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Chuck Zukowski On Fade To Black September 14th

Ben Mezrich and Chuck Zukowski On Fade To Black

September 14th 2016

The 37th Parallel

Chuck Zukowski is a Principal IC Mask Design Engineering Consultant with his company, Zukowski Consulting. He has over 28 years of Graphic Mix Signal Microchip design and is a former Reserve Deputy Sheriff with El Paso County Sheriff’s Department, Colorado from 2002 to 2011. His education includes; an Associate’s degree, a Bachelor’s degree, a Certification in Electronic Engineering, and POST (law enforcement) certification.

For the past 30 years Chuck has been researching and investigating the UFO/Paranormal phenomenon and currently he holds the title, “Deputy Director of Animal Mutilation Investigations” for MUFON International.

Chuck hosts the website UFOnut.com, giving it that name after being ridiculed as a “nut” when he first started venturing in this field.
Website: www.ufonut.com

Ben Mezrich's current book is: The 37th Parallel: The Secret Truth Behind America’s UFO Highway...and is based on Chuck's tracking of paranormal events along a 3,000-mile stretch through the heart of America...and tonight we will discuss all of it and also the rumours around Hollywood about this being made into a feature film.

Website: http://www.benmezrich.com/

Laurie McDonald On Fade To Black May 23rd

Laurie McDonald On Fade To Black

May 23rd 2016

ET Encounters

Laurie McDonald SM
Laurie McDonald clinical hypnotherapist and abduction researcher is one of 27 regression therapist listed on the MUFON mental health referral list for abduction regression and is a consultant to the research committee for F.R.E.E. (The Edgar Mitchel Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters).

She is on the Board of Directors for the organization O.P.U.S. (Organization for Paranormal Understanding and Support) and is the founder of the Sacramento Alien Abduction & Contactee Support Group, one of California’s largest UFO and abduction groups.
Laurie has been the facilitator of a number of experiencer events and is a lifelong experiencer herself.

Her company, True You Hypnotherapy, has been the winner of Sacramento’s ‘Best of – Hypnotherapist’ three years running by promoting mind body integration through one on one sessions, empowerment workshops, experiencer group events and spiritual retreats.

She is in the completion stage of her first book entitled, The Alien Interference.

Website: www.trueyouhypnotherapy.com
Website: www.femininegoddessretreats.com

Has a Top 5 UFO Case Been Solved?

Has A Top 5 UFO Case Been Solved?

Was the Kecksburg UFO
A GE Mark 2 Reentry Vehicle?

By John Ventre and Owen Eichler

On December 9, 1965 at 4:47 pm, something navigated through our airspace and made a semi controlled landing in Kecksburg Pennsylvania. For me, the entire story has been about how it made a left turn near Cleveland and a right turn near Kecksburg and slowed down before minimally “crash” landing in rural Kecksburg and avoiding population centers (like Flight 93). The legend has grown to include one witness who saw a scaly, three fingered hand come out of the top of the UFO, similar to the ending of the 1953 movie “War of the Worlds”, to seeing an alien body on a gurney at Hangar 18 at Wright Patterson Air Force base alongside a cone shaped craft.
I was contacted in February 2015 by Owen Eichler in regards to his theory that the December 9, 1965 Kecksburg UFO incident was potentially a crash and retrieval of a GE Mark 2 reentry vehicle (RV) launched on December 7, 1965. Owen said he has spent ten years researching his theory and believes he is correct. The GE Mark 2 RV has never been mentioned as a possible candidate for Kecksburg. This object was a spy capsule that was kept secret until 1991. I posed a few questions that were significant to the case:

  1. How did the object turn, slow down and perform a controlled landing? Owen said the GE reentry vehicle had four control jets and an internal weighting control system for stability and guidance using the coanda effect to glide. Owen also said this was not a NASA project.
  2. Why would the military show up in such force for a GE reentry vehicle? Owen said it was used for in-space identification of orbiting space craft and may have contained a Radio Isotope Thermal Generator (RTG) that needed to be recovered in order to control and prevent a radiation leak. The first nuclear power generators were used in 1961.
  3. What is the explanation for the writing or symbols on the sides of the object? Owen said it was the result of identification welding on the reentry vehicle because there were numerous launches. The RV was also attached to the Atlas rocket at the base.


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