Daniel Sheehan And Kosta G Makreas On Fade To Black Nov. 16th

Daniel Sheehan And Kosta G Makreas

On Fade To Black

November 16th 2015

Daniel Sheehan And Kosta G Makreas On Fade To Black Nov. 16th
Daniel Sheehan
Institute for Cooperation in Space General Counsel and Co-Director Daniel Sheehan, JD, is a graduate of Harvard Law School, a former Director of the Christic Institute, and is a Professor of World Politics at the University of California. Mr. Sheehan has a long and distinguished history as public interest counsel, and was legal counsel in the Pentagon Papers case, the Iran-Contra, Three Mile Island, and Karen Silkwood cases, as well as many other high profile cases.

"During my thirty years in the field of public interest law and public policy, I have supervised professional investigations into the illegal smuggling of weapons-grade plutonium, the illegal supply of arms to terrorist organizations by covert operations and government agents, and into ultra-"black" weapons programs unknown even to the most trusted congressional officials. I have come to believe that keeping weapons out of interplanetary space is the most important contribution we can make to the future of this planet. The time to begin this task is now." - Daniel Sheehan

Today, Dan is director of The Strategic Initiative To Identify The New Paradigm which was one of the six Strategic Initiatives of the State of The world Forum of President Gorbachev. In this organization, Dan shares the responsibility for formulation of a new world view integrating into all of the classical fields of human knowledge (Cosmology, Theology, Philosophy, Physical Science, Psychology, Ethics, Ontology, Epistemology, Human Teleology) the now virtually universally accepted FACT of the existence of extraterrestrial Intelligence in our Universe and the growing accepted fact that representatives of one or more of these extraterrestrial civilizations are presently visiting our planet and interacting with members of our species.
You can read more about Daniel Sheehan HERE.
Website: http://www.danielpsheehan.com/

kostaKosta Makreas is the founder of ETLetsTalk.com, the "Global CE-5 ET Contact Initiative", and "The People's Disclosure Movement”. He is an author, activist, international net-worker and online community leader promoting peaceful contact between Humans and Extra-Terrestrial intelligence. Kosta was born in Ft. Wayne, IN in 1953. In 1977 he earned a B.A. in Computer Science from Indiana University. He has been a successful software consultant in the Silicon Valley for almost 4 decades. Since 2006 his passion and mission has been the web site ETLetsTalk.com and the ETLetsTalk community which has more than 6000 members in 60+ countries. At ETLetsTalk.com he teaches everyday people how to successfully communicate and interact with loving ET spiritual Beings. The purpose is for humans to co-create with ET a positive planetary transformation - a “Golden Age” on Earth of free energy, planetary peace, abundance, environmental sanity, and justice for all.

Fade To Black – Jim Harold – December 15th

Fade To Black – Jim Harold – December 15th

Jim Harold

December 15th, 2022


Paranormal Host


Fade To Black - Jim Harold - December 15th


Tonight, Thursday on FADE to BLACK: Jim Harold is with us and tonight we are going to discuss his Paranormal life and career!

Jim is the host of The Paranormal Podcast and Jim Harold's Campfire. Before becoming a full time pod-caster in 2012, Jim worked on the business side of media for over 15 years.

He has written a popular series of 5 Campfire books featuring the best tales of the unknown from his podcasts: True Ghost Stories: Jim Harold's Campfire 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5. All five books in the series have been #1 Supernatural Best Sellers on Kindle at various times.

Jim's programs have been downloaded over 60 million times.

He holds a Master’s Degree in Applied Communication Theory and Methodology and is accredited as a Certified Digital Media Consultant by the Radio Advertising Bureau. Jim has also had the opportunity to teach at the university level.


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Fade To Black – Jim Harold – May 9th

Fade To Black – Jim Harold – May 9th

Jim Harold

May 9th, 2024


New Book: 'True Ghost Stories'


Fade To Black - Jim Harold - May 9th


Tonight, Thursday on FADE to BLACK: Jim Harold has a new book out: 'True Ghost Stories'... and he will be sharing some of his favorite true paranormal stories that will Chill you to the bone!

Along with a With a background in radio, business, and technology, Jim Harold holds a Master’s Degree in Applied Communication Theory and Methodology and is accredited as a Certified Digital Media Consultant.

He is a pioneering figure in paranormal podcasting since 2005. His shows, "The Paranormal Podcast" and "Campfire," remain genre favorites, with a global following. Beyond his free podcasts at JimHarold.com, also hosts premium content on supernatural topics at JimHaroldPlus.com.

Jim's Campfire Book Series, initially published by New Page Books, has become a successful independent venture, with all five books achieving #1 Supernatural Best Seller status on Kindle. His flagship programs have reached the Top 100 of ALL podcasts on Apple Podcasts, competing with major media networks like NPR.

Website: https://jimharold.com/

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Anthony F. Sanchez On Fade To Black January 24th

Anthony F. Sanchez On Fade To Black

January 24th 2017

Lost History:Et Al

Anthony F. Sanchez On Fade To Black January 24th
Anthony F. Sanchez received his BSc. in Computer Information Systems from Western Governors University of Salt Lake City, UT. In addition to being a Software Consultant for the State of California through his own company, Anthony has been employed for 16 years as a Software Engineer working for 3Com, Intel, Acer, Netscape Communications, and Hewlett Packard performing high level software development supporting scientific engineering and business intelligence projects.

He became interested in UFOs back in 1989, at the time Area 51 surfaced as a public phenomenon. Since 2000 he has researched the subject matter thoroughly employing various scientific methods and hands on approaches, thus compiling decades worth of UFO related research data.

For the purposes of augmenting his knowledge on Human Origins, Anthony has also studied in detail, ancient religious texts which include the Nag Hammadi codices, various gospels from the Dead Sea Scrolls such as the 'book of Giants' and 'book of Enoch'. He has also studied Sumerian-Babylonian translations such as the Enuma Elish and the Atra-Hasis in addition to numerous Akkadian Mesopotamian cylinder seals and Akkadian cuneiform inscriptions.

Sanchez is the author of: UFO Highway... a book that brings to an end the 30 year old mystery surrounding the enigmatic battle between Greys and elite U.S. fighting forces at Dulce, New Mexico.

Tonight we are going to talk about lost history, ancient religious texts, the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Nag Hammadi and how they relate to what we know about ET today...combined with the recent revelations about the Great Pyramid of Giza.


Bob Mitchell On Fade To Black Dec 15th

Bob Mitchell On Fade To Black

December 15th 2015

Close Encounters

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Bob Mitchell Covered crime, police, general news, municipal politics and sports for The Toronto Star for 35 years before taking company buyout in May 2013.
Bob has since re-invented himself as a freelance writer and media relations consultant.
Mitchell had a variety of assignments from writing AHL stories to CFL stories for American newspapers and news articles for several Canadian weekly newspapers. Author of four true crime books, including one that was turned into a movie.

Bob has written three UFO books:

All are available through Amazon.com

Website: www.bobmitchellwriter.wordpress.com

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