Fade To Black – Race Hobbs – May 9th

Fade To Black – Race Hobbs – May 9th

Race Hobbs

May 9th, 2022


UFOs To The Finish Line


Fade To Black - Race Hobbs - May 9th

Tonight, Monday on FADE to BLACK: Race Hobbs joins us for a full night of UFO/UAP conversation and a preview for the X-Conference that is happening this weekend!

Race has researched and investigated the UFO phenomenon for over thirty years. In 1990, he was a witness to something very unusual over south Fort Smith. He wasn't sure what it was, but it was something that he had never seen before and spawned his curiosity into the UFO subject. He started The Fort Smith Arial Phenomenon Research Group in 1992, and began officially investigating sightings in the River Valley area. Race is one of thousands, perhaps millions, of people that have a true interest in the search for the truth regarding the UFO phenomenon and things unexplained. “I continue to look forward to the day we all know the truth about what has clearly been invading the air space, over our cities and towns, our military installations, and country sides with absolute impunity. One thing is for certain, UFOs have been here, UFOs are here, and everyday citizens from every walk of life are seeing them.”

Race's passions include family, researching the UFO phenomenon, being in nature, and sky watching. He resides in the beautiful Fort Smith River Valley, Arkansas, with his wife Robin "Bird", three children and six grandchildren!

Website: https://www.unxnetwork.com/

Fade To Black – Tyler Glockner – May 10th

Fade To Black – Tyler Glockner – May 10th

Tyler Glockner

May 10th, 2022


Secure Team


Fade To Black - Tyler Glockner - May 10th

Tonight, Tuesday on FADE to BLACK: Tyler Glockner of Secureteam10 is back to talk about what happens in the world of the biggest UFO channel on YouTube!

Tyler, in just 10 years, has built Secureteam10 into one of the most popular YouTube channels with over 2 million subscribers. His channel was built for those who seek the latest alien and UFO related videos, leaks and information.

From it's humble beginnings as a mere idea in 2011, to the establishment of the channel you see today - Secureteam10 has become the information source to which millions of answer-seeking individuals have come. Through thousands of videos posted, over 2 million subscribers and over a billion total video views, his YouTube channel has broken the boundaries of traditional reporting and taken UFO research into the internet age.

Website: https://www.youtube.com/user/secureteam10

Fade To Black – Duke Sullivan – May 11th

Fade To Black – Duke Sullivan – May 11th

Duke Sullivan

May 11th, 2022


World Bigfoot Radio


Fade To Black - Duke Sullivan - May 11th

Tonight, Wednesday on FADE to BLACK: Duke Sullivan of World Bigfoot Radio is back with us to take a deep dive into Bigfoot research and all of the latest news!

Brian “Duke” Sullivan is a Bigfoot Researcher from Montana, USA. He saw his first Bigfoot in 1972 when he was just ten years old. Duke has been researching Bigfoot for well over 40 years and has multiple sightings. His intense interest in Bigfoot revolves around the behavioral attributes of these creatures vs. proving their existence.

Duke is also an extremely well versed and self described conspiracy theorist and has collaborated with Wes Germer from Sasquatch Chronicles on programs such as “Duke’s Conspiracy Corner” and “The Renegade” podcast as well as being a frequent guest on Sasquatch Chronicles, in addition to being a guest on Strange Familiars and The Bigfoot Outlaws.

Website: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcMSv6qqwM87zEKsg_ywjOw

Fade To Black – Fadernight Open Lines – May 12th

Fade To Black – Fadernight Open Lines – May 12th


May 12th, 2022


Open Lines


Fade To Black - Fadernight Open Lines - May 12th

Tonight, Thursday on FADE to BLACK: It's another Fadernight with open-lines all night long!

Your calls, your conversation: UFOs, Conspiracy, Lost History, Time Travel and the Paranormal and Supernatural... un-edited, un-screened, and un-censored!!!

Fadernight is the greatest night of Talk Radio in all of the world.

The call-in number: 747-228-2051

Website: https://jimmychurchradio.com/


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Fade To Black – John Greenewald Jr. – May 2nd

Fade To Black – John Greenewald Jr. – May 2nd

John Greenewald Jr.

May 2nd, 2022




Fade To Black - John Greenewald Jr. - May 2nd

Tonight, Monday on FADE to BLACK: John Greenewald of The Black Vault joins us to discuss the breaking news behind the new TTSA SEC financials and some personnel changes over at the DOD... plus all of the latest UFO/UAP headlines from around the world!

John began researching the U.S. Government in 1996 at the age of fifteen. Targeting the CIA, FBI, Pentagon, Air Force, Army, Navy, NSA, and the DIA by utilizing the Freedom of Information Act. He accumulated an astonishing number of documents on topics related to UFOs, the JFK Assassination, chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons, and top secret aircraft.

John named his online archive “The Black Vault” ... the largest private online collection anywhere in the world, with million of pages of material.

His books include: Beyond UFO Secrecy, Inside the Black Vault, and Secrets of the Black Vault.

Website: https://www.theblackvault.com

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Fade To Black – Jason Quitt – May 3rd

Fade To Black – Jason Quitt – May 3rd

Jason Quitt

May 3rd, 2022


Astral, Lucid Dreaming


Fade To Black - Jason Quitt - May 3rd

Tonight, Tuesday on FADE to BLACK: Jason Quitt is here to talk about Astral and Lucid dreaming... the techniques, practices, who or what you may see once you have learned how to close your eyes.

Jason is a graduate of the Institute of Energy Wellness, and a student of Algonquin Shamanism and has been training and working with many teachers, shamans, and traditional healers from around the world.

Mr. Quitt is also the author of many books, including “The Egyptian Postures of Power" that has just been updated and re-released and available on his website or over at Amazon.

Website: https://thecrystalsun.com/

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